maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

16426: const 'SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_INSTALLED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000003);<br />

16427: //PCodeBaseHold', '^TCodeBaseHold // will not work');<br />

16428: _tagCODEBASEHOLD', 'record cbSize : ULONG; szDistUnit : LPWSTR; '<br />

16429: +'szCodeBase : LPWSTR; dwVersionMS : DWORD; dwVersionLS : DWORD; dwStyle : DWORD; end');<br />

16430: TCodeBaseHold', '_tagCODEBASEHOLD');<br />

16431: CODEBASEHOLD', '_tagCODEBASEHOLD');<br />

16432: //PSoftDistInfo', '^TSoftDistInfo // will not work');<br />

16433: _tagSOFTDISTINFO', 'record cbSize : ULONG; dwFlags : DWORD; dwAd'<br />

16434: +'State : DWORD; szTitle : LPWSTR; szAbstract : LPWSTR; szHREF : LPWSTR; dwI'<br />

16435: +'nstalledVersionMS : DWORD; dwInstalledVersionLS : DWORD; dwUpdateVersionMS'<br />

16436: +' : DWORD; dwUpdateVersionLS : DWORD; dwAdvertisedVersionMS : DWORD; dwAdve'<br />

164<strong>37</strong>: +'rtisedVersionLS : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD; end');<br />

16438: TSoftDistInfo', '_tagSOFTDISTINFO');<br />

16439: SOFTDISTINFO', '_tagSOFTDISTINFO');<br />

16440: SIRegister_ISoftDistExt(CL);<br />

16441: Function GetSoftwareUpdateInfo( szDistUnit : LPCWSTR; var dsi : TSoftDistInfo) : HResult');<br />

16442: Function SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState(szDistUnit: LPCWSTR; dwAdState, dwAdvertisedVersionMS,<br />

dwAdvertisedVersionLS : DWORD) : HResult');<br />

16443: SIRegister_IDataFilter(CL);<br />

16444: // PProtocolFilterData', '^TProtocolFilterData // will not work');<br />

16445: _tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA', 'record cbSize : DWORD; ProtocolSink : '<br />

16446: +'IInternetProtocolSink; Protocol : IInternetProtocol; Unk : IUnknown; dwFil'<br />

16447: +'terFlags : DWORD; end');<br />

16448: TProtocolFilterData', '_tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA');<br />


16450: //PDataInfo', '^TDataInfo // will not work');<br />

16451: _tagDATAINFO', 'record ulTotalSize : ULONG; ulavrPacketSize : UL'<br />

16452: +'ONG; ulConnectSpeed : ULONG; ulProcessorSpeed : ULONG; end');<br />

16453: TDataInfo', '_tagDATAINFO');<br />

16454: DATAINFO', '_tagDATAINFO');<br />

16455: SIRegister_IEncodingFilterFactory(CL);<br />

16456: Function IsLoggingEnabled( pszUrl : PChar) : BOOL');<br />

16457: //Function IsLoggingEnabledA( pszUrl : PAnsiChar) : BOOL');<br />

16458: //Function IsLoggingEnabledW( pszUrl : PWideChar) : BOOL');<br />

16459: //PHitLoggingInfo', '^THitLoggingInfo // will not work');<br />

16460: _tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO', 'record dwStructSize : DWORD; lpszLoggedU'<br />

16461: +rlName : LPSTR; StartTime : TSystemTime;EndTime:TSystemTime; lpszExtendedInfo : LPSTR; end');<br />

16462: THitLoggingInfo', '_tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO');<br />

16463: HIT_LOGGING_INFO', '_tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO');<br />

16464: Function WriteHitLogging( const Logginginfo : THitLoggingInfo) : BOOL');<br />

16465: end;<br />

16466:<br />

16467: procedure SIRegister_DFFUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

16468: begin<br />

16469: Procedure reformatMemo( const m : TCustomMemo)');<br />

16470: Procedure SetMemoMargins( m : TCustomMemo; const L, T, R, B : integer)');<br />

16471: Procedure MoveToTop( memo : TMemo)');<br />

16472: Procedure ScrollToTop( memo : TMemo)');<br />

16473: Function LineNumberClicked( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16474: Function MemoClickedLine( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16475: Function ClickedMemoLine( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16476: Function MemoLineClicked( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16477: Function LinePositionClicked( Memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16478: Function ClickedMemoPosition( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16479: Function MemoPositionClicked( memo : TMemo) : integer');<br />

16480: Procedure AdjustGridSize( grid : TDrawGrid)');<br />

16481: Procedure DeleteGridRow( Grid : TStringGrid; const ARow : integer)');<br />

16482: Procedure InsertgridRow( Grid : TStringGrid; const ARow : integer)');<br />

16483: Procedure Sortgrid( Grid : TStringGrid; const SortCol : integer);');<br />

16484: Procedure Sortgrid1(Grid:TStringGrid; const SortCol : integer; sortascending : boolean);');<br />

16485: Procedure sortstrDown( var s : string)');<br />

16486: Procedure sortstrUp( var s : string)');<br />

16487: Procedure rotatestrleft( var s : string)');<br />

16488: Function dffstrtofloatdef( s : string; default : extended) : extended');<br />

16489: Function deblank( s : string) : string');<br />

16490: Function IntToBinaryString( const n : integer; MinLength : integer) : string');<br />

16491: Procedure FreeAndClearListBox( C : TListBox);');<br />

16492: Procedure FreeAndClearMemo( C : TMemo);');<br />

16493: Procedure FreeAndClearStringList( C : TStringList);');<br />

16494: Function dffgetfilesize( f : TSearchrec) : int64');<br />

16495: end;<br />

16496:<br />

16497: procedure SIRegister_MathsLib(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

16498: begin<br />

16499: CL.AddTypeS('intset', 'set of byte');<br />

16500: TPoint64', 'record x : int64; y : int64; end');<br />

16501: Function GetNextPandigital( size : integer; var Digits : array of integer) : boolean');<br />

16502: Function IsPolygonal( T : int64; var rank : array of integer) : boolean');<br />

16503: Function GeneratePentagon( n : integer) : integer');<br />

16504: Function IsPentagon( p : integer) : boolean');<br />

165<strong>05</strong>: Function isSquare( const N : int64) : boolean');<br />

16506: Function isCube( const N : int64) : boolean');<br />

16507: Function isPalindrome( const n : int64) : boolean;');<br />

165<strong>08</strong>: Function isPalindrome1( const n : int64; var len : integer) : boolean;');<br />

16509: Function GetEulerPhi( n : int64) : int64');<br />

16510: Function dffIntPower( a, b : int64) : int64;');<br />

16511: Function IntPower1( a : extended; b : int64) : extended;');<br />

16512: Function gcd2( a, b : int64) : int64');<br />

16513: Function GCDMany( A : array of integer) : integer');<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 192

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