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maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

19001: Procedure DumpDescription( oStrings : TStrings)<br />

19002: Procedure DumpStateTable( oStrings : TStrings)<br />

19003: Procedure EDIT<br />

19004: Procedure EditButtonClick<br />

190<strong>05</strong>: Procedure EditFont1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19006: procedure Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);<br />

19007: Procedure Ellipse1( const Rect : TRect);<br />

190<strong>08</strong>: Procedure EMMS<br />

19009: Procedure Encode( ADest : TStream)<br />

19010: procedure ENDDRAG(DROP:BOOLEAN)<br />

19011: Procedure EndEdit( Cancel : Boolean)<br />

19012: Procedure EndTimer<br />

19013: Procedure EndUpdate<br />

190<strong>14</strong>: Procedure EraseSection( const Section : string)<br />

19015: Procedure Error( const Ident : string)<br />

19016: procedure Error(Ident:Integer)<br />

190<strong>17</strong>: Procedure ErrorFmt( const Ident : string; const Args : array of const)<br />

19018: Procedure ErrorStr( const Message : string)<br />

19019: procedure ErrorStr(Message:String)<br />

19020: Procedure Exchange( Index1, Index2 : Integer)<br />

19021: procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);<br />

19022: Procedure Exec( FileName, Parameters, Directory : string)<br />

19023: Procedure ExecProc<br />

19024: Procedure ExecSQL( UpdateKind : TUpdateKind)<br />

19025: Procedure Execute<br />

19026: Procedure Execute( const CommandText : WideString; var Params, OwnerData : OleVariant)<br />

19027: Procedure ExecuteAndWait( FileName : string; Visibility : Integer)<br />

19028: Procedure ExecuteCommand(executeFile, paramstring: string)<br />

19029: Procedure ExecuteShell(executeFile, paramstring: string)<br />

19030: Procedure ShellExecuteAndWait(executeFile, paramstring: string);<br />

19031: Procedure ExitThread(ExitCode: Integer); stdcall;<br />

19032: Procedure ExitProcess(ExitCode: Integer); stdcall;<br />

19033: Procedure Expand( AUserName : String; AResults : TStrings)<br />

19034: Procedure Expand( Recurse : Boolean)<br />

19035: Procedure ExportClipboard1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19036: Procedure ExportDataSetToExcel( DataSet : TDataSet; OnExportProgress : TOnExportProgress)<br />

190<strong>37</strong>: Procedure ExtractContentFields( Strings : TStrings)<br />

19038: Procedure ExtractCookieFields( Strings : TStrings)<br />

19039: Procedure ExtractFields( Separators, WhiteSpace : TSysCharSet; Content : PChar; Strings : TStrings)<br />

19040: Procedure ExtractHeaderFields(Separ,<br />

WhiteSpace:TSysChSet;Cont:PChar;Strings:TStrings;Decode:Bool;StripQuots:Bool)<br />

19041: Procedure ExtractHTTPFields(Separators,WhiteSpace:<br />

TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Strings:TStrings;StripQuotes:Bool)<br />

19042: Procedure ExtractQueryFields( Strings : TStrings)<br />

19043: Procedure FastDegToGrad<br />

19044: Procedure FastDegToRad<br />

19045: Procedure FastGradToDeg<br />

19046: Procedure FastGradToRad<br />

19047: Procedure FastRadToDeg<br />

19048: Procedure FastRadToGrad<br />

19049: Procedure FileClose( Handle : Integer)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>0: Procedure FileClose(handle: integer)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>1: procedure FilesFromWildcard(Dir,Mask:string;var Files:TStringList;Subdirs,ShowDirs,Multitasking:Bool)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>2: Procedure FileStructure( AStructure : TIdFTPDataStructure)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>3: Procedure FillByte2(var X: Byte ; count: integer; value: byte)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>4: Procedure FillBytes( var VBytes : TIdBytes; const ACount : Integer; const AValue : Byte)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>5: Procedure FillChar( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; Length : Integer; value : Byte)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>6: Procedure FillChar2(var X: PChar ; count: integer; value: char)<br />

19<strong>05</strong>7: Procedure FillCharS(var p: string; count: integer; value: char); //fix3.8<br />

19<strong>05</strong>8: Procedure FillIPList<br />

19<strong>05</strong>9: procedure FillRect(const Rect: TRect);<br />

19060: Procedure FillTStrings( AStrings : TStrings)<br />

19061: Procedure FilterOnBookmarks( Bookmarks : array of const)<br />

19062: procedure FinalizePackage(Module: HMODULE)<br />

19063: procedure FindClose;<br />

19064: procedure FindClose2(var F: TSearchRec)<br />

19065: Procedure FindMatches( const sString : string; xNotify : TniRegularExpressionMatchFoundEvent);<br />

19066: Procedure FindMatches1(const sString:string;iStart:integer;xNotify:TniRegularExpressionMatchFoundEvent);<br />

19067: Procedure FindNearest( const KeyValues : array of const)<br />

19068: Procedure FinishContext<br />

19069: Procedure FIRST<br />

19070: Procedure FloatToDegMinSec( const X : Float; var Degs, Mins, Secs : Float)<br />

19071: Procedure FloatToDecimal(var Result:TFloatRec;const Value:extend;ValueType:TFloatValue;Precis,Decs:Int);<br />

19072: Procedure FloodFill( X, Y : Integer; Color : TColor; FillStyle : TFillStyle)<br />

19073: Procedure FlushSchemaCache( const TableName : string)<br />

19074: procedure FmtStr(var Result: string; const Format: string; const Args: array of const)<br />


19076: Procedure Form1Close( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)<br />

19077: Procedure FormActivate( Sender : TObject)<br />

19078: procedure FormatLn(const format: String; const args: array of const); //alias<br />

19079: Procedure FormClose( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>0: Procedure FormCreate( Sender : TObject)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>1: Procedure FormDestroy( Sender : TObject)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>2: Procedure FormKeyPress( Sender : TObject; var Key : Char)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>3: procedure FormOutput1Click(Sender: TObject);<br />

19<strong>08</strong>4: Procedure FormToHtml( Form : TForm; Path : string)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>5: procedure FrameRect(const Rect: TRect);<br />

19<strong>08</strong>6: Procedure Frame3D(Canvas:TCanvas; var Rect:TRect; TopColor,BottomColor:TColor; Width : Integer)<br />

19<strong>08</strong>7: Procedure NotebookHandlesNeeded( Notebook : TNotebook)<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 222

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