maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

12300: TPoint3DFloat', 'record X : Double; Y : Double; Z : Double; end<br />

12301: SIRegister_TFloatXYZ(CL);<br />

12302: TPoint3D', 'record x : integer; y : integer; z : Integer; end<br />

12303: TRGB', 'record blue: byte; green: byte; red: byte; end<br />

12304: {TRGB=packed record<br />

123<strong>05</strong>: Blue : Byte;<br />

12306: Green : Byte;<br />

12307: Red : Byte;<br />

123<strong>08</strong>: //$IFDEF CLX //Alpha : Byte; // Linux end;}<br />

12309:<br />

12310: TTeeCanvasCalcPoints', 'Function ( x, z : Integer; var P0, P1 : '<br />

12311: +'TPoint3D; var Color0, Color1 : TColor) : Boolean<br />

12312: TTeeCanvasSurfaceStyle', '( tcsSolid, tcsWire, tcsDot )<br />

12313: TCanvas3DPlane', '( cpX, cpY, cpZ )<br />

123<strong>14</strong>: //IInterface', 'IUnknown<br />

12315: SIRegister_TCanvas3D(CL);<br />

12316: SIRegister_TTeeCanvas3D(CL);<br />

123<strong>17</strong>: TTrianglePoints', 'Array[0..2] of TPoint;<br />

12318: TFourPoints', 'Array[0..3] of TPoint;<br />

12319: Function ApplyDark( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor<br />

12320: Function ApplyBright( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor<br />

12321: Function Point3D( const x, y, z : Integer) : TPoint3D<br />

12322: Procedure SwapDouble( var a, b : Double)<br />

12323: Procedure SwapInteger( var a, b : Integer)<br />

12324: Procedure RectSize( const R : TRect; var RectWidth, RectHeight : Integer)<br />

12325: Procedure teeRectCenter( const R : TRect; var X, Y : Integer)<br />

12326: Function RectFromPolygon( const Points : array of TPoint; NumPoints : Integer): TRect<br />

12327: Function RectFromTriangle( const Points : TTrianglePoints) : TRect<br />

12328: Function RectangleInRectangle( const Small, Big : TRect) : Boolean<br />

12329: Procedure ClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas; const Rect : TRect)<br />

12330: Procedure UnClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas)<br />

12331: Procedure ClipEllipse( ACanvas : TTeeCanvas; const Rect : TRect)<br />

12332: Procedure ClipRoundRectangle(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Rect : TRect; RoundSize : Integer)<br />

12333: Procedure ClipPolygon(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Points:array of TPoint;NumPoints:Integer)<br />

12334: 'TeeCharForHeight','String 'W<br />

12335: 'DarkerColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 128);<br />

12336: 'DarkColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 64);<br />

123<strong>37</strong>: TButtonGetColorProc', 'Function : TColor<br />

12338: SIRegister_TTeeButton(CL);<br />

12339: SIRegister_TButtonColor(CL);<br />

12340: SIRegister_TComboFlat(CL);<br />

12341: Procedure TeeSetTeePen(FPen:TPen; APen : TChartPen; AColor : TColor; Handle:TTeeCanvasHandle)<br />

12342: Function TeePoint( const aX, aY : Integer) : TPoint<br />

12343: Function TEEPointInRect( const Rect : TRect; const P : TPoint) : Boolean;<br />

12344: Function PointInRect1( const Rect : TRect; x, y : Integer) : Boolean;<br />

12345: Function TeeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Integer) : TRect<br />

12346: Function OrientRectangle( const R : TRect) : TRect<br />

12347: Procedure TeeSetBitmapSize( Bitmap : TBitmap; Width, Height : Integer)<br />

12348: Function PolygonBounds( const P : array of TPoint) : TRect<br />

12349: Function PolygonInPolygon( const A, B : array of TPoint) : Boolean<br />

12350: Function RGBValue( const Color : TColor) : TRGB<br />

12351: Function EditColor( AOwner : TComponent; AColor : TColor) : TColor<br />

12352: Function EditColorDialog( AOwner : TComponent; var AColor : TColor) : Boolean<br />

12353: Function PointAtDistance( AFrom, ATo : TPoint; ADist : Integer) : TPoint<br />

12354: Function TeeCull( const P : TFourPoints) : Boolean;<br />

12355: Function TeeCull1( const P0, P1, P2 : TPoint) : Boolean;<br />

12356: TSmoothStretchOption', '( ssBestQuality, ssBestPerformance )<br />

12357: Procedure SmoothStretch( Src, Dst : TBitmap);<br />

12358: Procedure SmoothStretch1( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Option : TSmoothStretchOption);<br />

12359: Function TeeDistance( const x, y : Double) : Double<br />

12360: Function TeeLoadLibrary( const FileName : String) : HInst<br />

12361: Procedure TeeFreeLibrary( hLibModule : HMODULE)<br />

12362: Procedure TeeBlendBitmaps( const Percent : Double; ABitmap, BBitmap : TBitmap; BOrigin : TPoint)<br />

12363: //Procedure TeeCalcLines( var Lines : TRGBArray; Bitmap : TBitmap)<br />

12364: Procedure TeeShadowSmooth(Bitmap, Back : TBitmap; Left, Top, Width, Height, horz, vert : Integer;<br />

Smoothness : Double; FullDraw : Boolean; ACanvas : TCanvas3D; Clip : Boolean)<br />

12365: SIRegister_ICanvasHyperlinks(CL);<br />

12366: SIRegister_ICanvasToolTips(CL);<br />

12367: Function Supports( const Instance : IInterface; const IID : TGUID) : Boolean<br />

12368: end;<br />

12369:<br />

12<strong>37</strong>0: procedure SIRegister_ovcmisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

12<strong>37</strong>1: begin<br />

12<strong>37</strong>2: TOvcHdc', 'Integer<br />

12<strong>37</strong>3: TOvcHWND', 'Cardinal<br />

12<strong>37</strong>4: TOvcHdc', 'HDC<br />

12<strong>37</strong>5: TOvcHWND', 'HWND<br />

12<strong>37</strong>6: Function LoadBaseBitmap( lpBitmapName : PChar) : HBITMAP<br />

12<strong>37</strong>7: Function LoadBaseCursor( lpCursorName : PChar) : HCURSOR<br />

12<strong>37</strong>8: Function ovCompStruct( const S1, S2, Size : Cardinal) : Integer<br />

12<strong>37</strong>9: Function DefaultEpoch : Integer<br />

12380: Function DrawButtonFrame(Canvas:TCanvas;const Client:TRect;IsDown,IsFlat:Bool;Style:TButtonStyle):TRect;<br />

12381: Procedure FixRealPrim( P : PChar; DC : Char)<br />

12382: Function GetDisplayString( Canvas : TCanvas; const S : string; MinChars, MaxWidth : Integer) : string<br />

12383: Function GetLeftButton : Byte<br />

12384: Function GetNextDlgItem( Ctrl : TOvcHWnd) : hWnd<br />

12385: Procedure GetRGB( Clr : TColor; var IR, IG, IB : Byte)<br />

12386: Function GetShiftFlags : Byte<br />

12387: Function ovCreateRotatedFont( F : TFont; Angle : Integer) : hFont<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: <strong>14</strong>3

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