maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

18485: Function ReadComponentTreeFromFile( FormOrComponent : TComponent; FileName : string) : Boolean');<br />

18486: Function WriteComponentToFile( Component : TComponent; FileName : string; Format : TComponentFileFormat;<br />

StoreComponentName : Boolean) : Boolean');<br />

18487: Function WriteComponentTreeToFile( FormOrComponent : TComponent; FileName : string; Format :<br />

TComponentFileFormat; StoreComponentName : Boolean) : Boolean');<br />

18488: Function ReadComponentFromFile4( FormOrComponent : TComponent; FileName : string) : Boolean;');<br />

18489: Function ReadFormFromFile( pInstance : TComponent; FormClass : TFormClass; FileName : string) : Boolean');<br />

18490: Function ReadComponentResourceFile5( Instance : TObject; FileName : string) : Boolean;');<br />

18491: Function<br />

WriteComponentResourceFile(nstance:TObject;FileName:string;StoreFormAsVisible:Boolean):Boolean;');<br />

18492: Function ReadComponentsResourceFile( Components : array of TComponent; FileName : string; NamingMethod :<br />

TResourceNaming; bLoadTotalForm : Boolean) : Boolean');<br />

18493: Function WriteComponentsResourceFile( Components : array of TComponent; FileName : string; NamingMethod :<br />

TResourceNaming) : Boolean');<br />

18494: Function ReadComponentResourceHeader( sHeaderInfo : TStrings; pSize : Integer; FileName : string;<br />

NamingMethod : TResourceNaming) : Boolean');<br />

18495: Function ConvertComponentResourceToTextFile(SourceFileName:string; TargetFileName : string;<br />

bStoreResNames : Boolean) : Boolean');<br />

18496: Function<br />

CheckComponentInResourceFile(Component:TComponent;FileName:string;NamingMethod:TResourceNaming):Boolean;<br />

18497: Function DeleteComponentFromResourceFile( ResourceName : string; FileName : string) : Boolean;');<br />

18498: Function DeleteComponentFromResourceFile8( Component : TComponent; FileName : string; NamingMethod :<br />

TResourceNaming) : Boolean;');<br />

18499: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function CreateFormFromResFile( AOwner : TComponent; NewClassType : TFormClass;<br />

FileName : string) : Pointer');<br />

18500: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function CreateComponentFromResFile( AOwner : TComponent; NewClassType :<br />

TComponentClass; FileName : string) : Pointer');<br />

18501: end;<br />

18502:<br />

18503: procedure SIRegister_SMScript(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18504: begin<br />

185<strong>05</strong>: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSMScriptExecutor');<br />

18506: SIRegister_TSMSEError(CL);<br />

18507: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSMSEModule');<br />

185<strong>08</strong>: CL.AddTypeS('TSMSEProcedureType', '( ptProcedure, ptFunction )');<br />

18509: SIRegister_TSMSEProcedure(CL);<br />

18510: SIRegister_TSMSEProcedures(CL);<br />

18511: SIRegister_TSMSEModule(CL);<br />

18512: SIRegister_TSMSEModules(CL);<br />

18513: CL.AddTypeS('TSMScriptLanguage', '( slCustom, slVBScript, slJavaScript )');<br />

185<strong>14</strong>: SIRegister_TSMScriptExecutor(CL);<br />

18515: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure Register');<br />

18516: end;<br />

185<strong>17</strong>:<br />

18518: procedure SIRegister_geometry2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18519: begin<br />

18520: TPointF2', 'record X : Double; Y : Double; end');<br />

18521: TPoint3', 'record X : integer; Y : integer; Z : Integer; end');<br />

18522: //CL.AddTypeS('PPointF3', '^TPointF3 // will not work');<br />

18523: TPointF3', 'record X : double; Y : double; Z : Double; end');<br />

18524: Function AreLinesParallel( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPoint) : Boolean;');<br />

18525: Function AreLinesParallel1( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPointF2; e : Double) : Boolean;');<br />

18526: Function AreLinesParallel2( p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 : TPoint3) : Boolean;');<br />

18527: Function AreLinesParallel3( p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 : TPointF3; e : Double) : Boolean;');<br />

18528: Function IntersectLines( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPoint) : TPoint;');<br />

18529: Function IntersectLines1( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPointF2; e : Double) : TPointF2;');<br />

18530: Function AngleDifference( alpha, beta : Double) : Double');<br />

18531: end;<br />

18532:<br />

18533:<br />

18534: function TRestRequest_createStringStreamFromStringList(strings: TStringList): TStringStream;<br />

18535:<br />

18536: {A simple Oscilloscope using TWaveIn class.<br />

185<strong>37</strong>: More info at http://www.delphiforfun.org/programs/oscilloscope.htm }<br />

18538: http://www.retroarchive.org/garbo/pc/turbopas/index.html<br />

18539: uses<br />

18540: Forms,<br />

18541: U_Oscilloscope4 in 'U_Oscilloscope4.pas' {frmMain},<br />

18542: ufrmOscilloscope4 in 'ufrmOscilloscope4.pas' {frmOscilloscope: TFrame},<br />

18543: uColorFunctions in 'uColorFunctions.pas',<br />

18544: <strong>AM</strong>ixer in '<strong>AM</strong>ixer.pas',<br />

18545: uSettings in 'uSettings.pas',<br />

18546: UWavein4 in 'UWavein4.pas',<br />

18547: U_Spectrum4 in 'U_Spectrum4.pas' {Form2},<br />

18548: ufrmInputControl4 in 'ufrmInputControl4.pas' {frmInputControl: TFrame};<br />

18549:<br />

18550: Functions_max hex in the box maXbox<br />

18551: functionslist.txt<br />

18552: FunctionsList1<br />

18553:<br />

18554: *******************************************************************************<br />

18555: Procedure<br />

18556: PROCEDURE SIZE 8875 8396 8289 8242 7507 7401 6792 6310 5971 4438 <strong>37</strong>97 3600<br />

18557: Procedure ****************************Now the Procedure list*******************<br />

18558: Procedure ( ACol, ARow : Integer; Items : TStrings)<br />

18559: Procedure ( Agg : TAggregate)<br />

18560: Procedure ( ASender : TComponent; const AReplyStatus : TReplyStatus)<br />

18561: Procedure ( ASender : TComponent; const AString : String; var <strong>AM</strong>sg : TIdMessage)<br />

18562: Procedure ( ASender : TComponent; var <strong>AM</strong>sg : TIdMessage)<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 216

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