maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

18225: begin<br />

18226: CL.AddConstantN('BUCKET_MASK','LongWord').SetUInt( $FF);<br />

18227: CL.AddConstantN('BUCKET_COUNT','LongInt').SetInt( BUCKET_MASK + 1);<br />

18228: Procedure SmartAssign( Src, Dst : TPersistent; TypeKinds : TTypeKinds)');<br />

18229: Procedure Advance( var Node : TLinkedNode; Steps : Integer)');<br />

18230: end;<br />

18231:<br />

18232: procedure SIRegister_StSaturn(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18233: begin<br />

18234: TStJupSatPos', 'record X: double; Y: Double; end');<br />

18235: TStJupSats', 'record Io: TStJupSatPos;<br />

Europa:TStJupSatPos;Ganymede:TStJupSatPos;Callisto:TStJupSatPos;end;<br />

18236: Function ComputeSaturn( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

182<strong>37</strong>: Function ComputePluto( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18238: Function ComputeVenus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18239: Function ComputeMars( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18240: Function ComputeMercury( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18241: Function ComputeJupiter( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18242: Function ComputeUranus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18243: Function ComputeNeptune( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord');<br />

18244: function GetJupSats(JD : TDateTime; HighPrecision, Shadows : Boolean) : TStJupSats;');<br />

18245: end;<br />

18246:<br />

18247: procedure SIRegister_JclParseUses(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18248: begin<br />

18249: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EUsesListError');<br />

18250: Function CreateGoal( Text : PChar) : TCustomGoal');<br />

18251: end;<br />

18252:<br />

18253: procedure SIRegister_JvFinalize(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18254: begin<br />

18255: //type<br />

18256: // TFinalizeProc = procedure;<br />

18257: CL.AddTypeS('TFinalizeProc', 'procedure');<br />

18258: Procedure AddFinalizeProc( const UnitName : string; FinalizeProc : TFinalizeProc)');<br />

18259: Function AddFinalizeObject( const UnitName : string; Instance : TObject) : TObject');<br />

18260: Function AddFinalizeObjectNil( const UnitName : string; var Reference: TObject) : TObject');<br />

18261: Function AddFinalizeFreeAndNil( const UnitName : string; var Reference: TObject) : TObject');<br />

18262: Function AddFinalizeMemory( const UnitName : string; Ptr : ___Pointer) : ___Pointer');<br />

18263: Function AddFinalizeMemoryNil( const UnitName : string; var Ptr: ___Pointer) : ___Pointer');<br />

18264: Procedure FinalizeUnit( const UnitName : string)');<br />

18265: end;<br />

18266:<br />

18267: procedure SIRegister_BigIni(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18268: begin<br />

18269: CL.AddConstantN('IniTextBufferSize','LongWord').SetUInt( $7000);<br />

18270: CL.AddConstantN('cIniCount','String').SetString( 'Count');<br />

18271: TEraseSectionCallback', 'Function ( const sectionName : string; '<br />

18272: const sl1, sl2 : TStringList) : Boolean');<br />

18273: SIRegister_TCommaSeparatedInfo(CL);<br />

18274: SIRegister_TSectionList(CL);<br />

18275: SIRegister_TBigIniFile(CL);<br />

18276: SIRegister_TBiggerIniFile(CL);<br />

18277: SIRegister_TAppIniFile(CL);<br />

18278: SIRegister_TLibIniFile(CL);<br />

18279: Function ModuleName( getLibraryName : Boolean) : String');<br />

18280: end;<br />

18281:<br />

18282: procedure SIRegister_ShellCtrls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18283: begin<br />

18284: CL.AddTypeS('TRoot', 'string');<br />

18285: CL.AddTypeS('TRootFolder', '( rfDesktop, rfMyComputer, rfNetwork, rfRecycleBi'<br />

18286: +'n, rfAppData, rfCommonDesktopDirectory, rfCommonPrograms, rfCommonStartMen'<br />

18287: +'u, rfCommonStartup, rfControlPanel, rfDesktopDirectory, rfFavorites, rfFon'<br />

18288: +'ts, rfInternet, rfPersonal, rfPrinters, rfPrintHood, rfPrograms, rfRecent,'<br />

18289: +' rfSendTo, rfStartMenu, rfStartup, rfTemplates )');<br />

18290: TShellFolderCapability', '( fcCanCopy, fcCanDelete, fcCanLink, f'<br />

18291: +'cCanMove, fcCanRename, fcDropTarget, fcHasPropSheet )');<br />

18292: TShellFolderCapabilities', 'set of TShellFolderCapability');<br />

18293: TShellFolderProperty', '( fpCut, fpIsLink, fpReadOnly, fpShared,'<br />

18294: +' fpFileSystem, fpFileSystemAncestor, fpRemovable, fpValidate )');<br />

18295: TShellFolderProperties', 'set of TShellFolderProperty');<br />

18296: TShellObjectType', '( otFolders, otNonFolders, otHidden )');<br />

18297: TShellObjectTypes', 'set of TShellObjectType');<br />

18298: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidPath');<br />

18299: SIRegister_IShellCommandVerb(CL);<br />

18300: SIRegister_TShellFolder(CL);<br />

18301: TNotifyFilter', '( nfFileNameChange, nfDirNameChange, nfAttribut'<br />

18302: +'eChange, nfSizeChange, nfWriteChange, nfSecurityChange )');<br />

18303: TNotifyFilters', 'set of TNotifyFilter');<br />

18304: SIRegister_TShellChangeThread(CL);<br />

183<strong>05</strong>: SIRegister_TCustomShellChangeNotifier(CL);<br />

18306: SIRegister_TShellChangeNotifier(CL);<br />

18307: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomShellComboBox');<br />

183<strong>08</strong>: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomShellListView');<br />

18309: TAddFolderEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; AFolder : TShel'<br />

18310: +'lFolder; var CanAdd : Boolean)');<br />

18311: TGetImageIndexEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; Index : Int'<br />

18312: +'eger; var ImageIndex : Integer)');<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 213

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