maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

6250: STIF_SUPPORT_HEX','LongWord( $00000001);<br />

6251: Function StrNCmpI( lpStr1, lpStr2 : PChar; nChar : Integer) : Integer<br />

6252: Function StrNCpy( psz1, psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Integer) : PChar<br />

6253: Function StrCatN( psz1 : PChar; psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Integer) : PChar<br />

6254: Function PathAddBackslash( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6255: Function PathAddExtension( pszPath : PChar; pszExt : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6256: Function PathAppend( pszPath : PChar; pMore : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6257: Function PathBuildRoot( szRoot : PChar; iDrive : Integer) : PChar<br />

6258: Function PathCanonicalize( pszBuf : PChar; pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6259: Function PathCombine( szDest : PChar; lpszDir, lpszFile : PChar) : PChar<br />

6260: Function PathCompactPath( hDC : HDC; pszPath : PChar; dx : UINT) : BOOL<br />

6261: Function PathCompactPathEx( pszOut : PChar; pszSrc : PChar; cchMax : UINT; dwFlags:DWORD) : BOOL<br />

6262: Function PathCommonPrefix( pszFile1, pszFile2 : PChar; achPath : PChar) : Integer<br />

6263: Function PathFileExists( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6264: Function PathFindExtension( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6265: Function PathFindFileName( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6266: Function PathFindNextComponent( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6267: Function PathFindOnPath( pszPath : PChar; var ppszOtherDirs : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6268: Function PathGetArgs( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6269: Function PathFindSuffixArray(pszPath: PChar; const apszSuffix: PChar; iArraySize: Integer): PChar<br />

6270: Function PathIsLFNFileSpec( lpName : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6271: Function PathGetCharType( ch : Char) : UINT<br />

6272: GCT_INVALID','LongWord( $0000);<br />

6273: GCT_LFNCHAR','LongWord( $0001);<br />

6274: GCT_SHORTCHAR','LongWord( $0002);<br />

6275: GCT_WILD','LongWord( $0004);<br />

6276: GCT_SEPARATOR','LongWord( $00<strong>08</strong>);<br />

6277: Function PathGetDriveNumber( pszPath : PChar) : Integer<br />

6278: Function PathIsDirectory( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6279: Function PathIsDirectoryEmpty( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6280: Function PathIsFileSpec( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6281: Function PathIsPrefix( pszPrefix, pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6282: Function PathIsRelative( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6283: Function PathIsRoot( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6284: Function PathIsSameRoot( pszPath1, pszPath2 : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6285: Function PathIsUNC( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6286: Function PathIsNetworkPath( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6287: Function PathIsUNCServer( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6288: Function PathIsUNCServerShare( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6289: Function PathIsContentType( pszPath, pszContentType : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6290: Function PathIsURL( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6291: Function PathMakePretty( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6292: Function PathMatchSpec( pszFile, pszSpec : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6293: Function PathParseIconLocation( pszIconFile : PChar) : Integer<br />

6294: Procedure PathQuoteSpaces( lpsz : PChar)<br />

6295: Function PathRelativePathTo(pszPath:PChar;pszFrom:PChar;dwAttrFrom:DWORD;pszTo:PChar;dwAttrTo:DWORD):BOOL;<br />

6296: Procedure PathRemoveArgs( pszPath : PChar)<br />

6297: Function PathRemoveBackslash( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

6298: Procedure PathRemoveBlanks( pszPath : PChar)<br />

6299: Procedure PathRemoveExtension( pszPath : PChar)<br />

6300: Function PathRemoveFileSpec( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6301: Function PathRenameExtension( pszPath : PChar; pszExt : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6302: Function PathSearchAndQualify( pszPath : PChar; pszBuf : PChar; cchBuf : UINT) : BOOL<br />

6303: Procedure PathSetDlgItemPath( hDlg : HWND; id : Integer; pszPath : PChar)<br />

6304: Function PathSkipRoot( pszPath : PChar) : PChar<br />

63<strong>05</strong>: Procedure PathStripPath( pszPath : PChar)<br />

6306: Function PathStripToRoot( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6307: Procedure PathUnquoteSpaces( lpsz : PChar)<br />

63<strong>08</strong>: Function PathMakeSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6309: Function PathUnmakeSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL<br />

6310: Function PathIsSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar; dwAttrb : DWORD) : BOOL<br />

6311: Procedure PathUndecorate( pszPath : PChar)<br />

6312: Function PathUnExpandEnvStrings( pszPath : PChar; pszBuf : PChar; cchBuf : UINT) : BOOL<br />

6313: URL_SCHEME_INVALID','LongInt'( - 1);<br />

63<strong>14</strong>: URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN','LongInt'( 0);<br />

6315: URL_SCHEME_FTP','LongInt'( 1);<br />

6316: URL_SCHEME_HTTP','LongInt'( 2);<br />

63<strong>17</strong>: URL_SCHEME_GOPHER','LongInt'( 3);<br />

6318: URL_SCHEME_MAILTO','LongInt'( 4);<br />

6319: URL_SCHEME_NEWS','LongInt'( 5);<br />

6320: URL_SCHEME_NNTP','LongInt'( 6);<br />

6321: URL_SCHEME_TELNET','LongInt'( 7);<br />

6322: URL_SCHEME_WAIS','LongInt'( 8);<br />

6323: URL_SCHEME_FILE','LongInt'( 9);<br />

6324: URL_SCHEME_MK','LongInt'( 10);<br />

6325: URL_SCHEME_HTTPS','LongInt'( 11);<br />

6326: URL_SCHEME_SHELL','LongInt'( 12);<br />

6327: URL_SCHEME_SNEWS','LongInt'( 13);<br />

6328: URL_SCHEME_LOCAL','LongInt'( <strong>14</strong>);<br />

6329: URL_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT','LongInt'( 15);<br />

6330: URL_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT','LongInt'( 16);<br />

6331: URL_SCHEME_ABOUT','LongInt'( <strong>17</strong>);<br />

6332: URL_SCHEME_RES','LongInt'( 18);<br />

6333: URL_SCHEME_MAXVALUE','LongInt'( 19);<br />

6334: URL_SCHEME', 'Integer<br />

6335: URL_PART_NONE','LongInt'( 0);<br />

6336: URL_PART_SCHEME','LongInt'( 1);<br />

63<strong>37</strong>: URL_PART_HOSTN<strong>AM</strong>E','LongInt'( 2);<br />

6338: URL_PART_USERN<strong>AM</strong>E','LongInt'( 3);<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 73

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