maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

4012: Procedure JvEatWhitespaceChars( S1 : PAnsiChar);<br />

4013: Procedure JvEatWhitespaceChars1( S1 : PWideChar);<br />

40<strong>14</strong>: Function GetTokenCount : Integer<br />

4015: Procedure ResetTokenCount<br />

4016: end;<br />

40<strong>17</strong>:<br />

4018: procedure SIRegister_JvDBQueryParamsForm(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

4019: begin<br />

4020: SIRegister_TJvQueryParamsDialog(CL);<br />

4021: Function EditQueryParams( DataSet : TDataSet; List : TParams; AHelpContext : THelpContext) : Boolean<br />

4022: end;<br />

4023:<br />

4024: ********************************* JvStrUtil / JvStrUtils;*****************************<br />

4025: function FindNotBlankCharPos(const S: string): Integer;<br />

4026: function AnsiChangeCase(const S: string): string;<br />

4027: function GetWordOnPos(const S: string; const P: Integer): string;<br />

4028: function GetWordOnPosEx(const S: string; const P: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): string;<br />

4029: function Cmp(const S1, S2: string): Boolean;<br />

4030: { Spaces returns string consists on N space chars }<br />

4031: function Spaces(const N: Integer): string;<br />

4032: { HasChar returns True, if char, Ch, contains in string, S }<br />

4033: function HasChar(const Ch: Char; const S: string): Boolean;<br />

4034: function HasAnyChar(const Chars: string; const S: string): Boolean;<br />

4035: { SubStr returns substring from string, S, separated with Separator string}<br />

4036: function SubStr(const S: string; const Index: Integer; const Separator: string): string;<br />

40<strong>37</strong>: { SubStrEnd same to previous function but Index numerated from the end of string }<br />

4038: function SubStrEnd(const S: string; const Index: Integer; const Separator: string): string;<br />

4039: { ReplaceString searches for all substrings, OldPattern, in a string, S, replaces them with NewPattern }<br />

4040: function ReplaceString(S: string; const OldPattern, NewPattern: string): string;<br />

4041: function CharInSet(const Ch: Char; const SetOfChar: TSetOfChar): Boolean;<br />

4042: { GetXYByPos is same to previous function, but returns X position in line too}<br />

4043: procedure GetXYByPos(const S: string; const Pos: Integer; var X, Y: Integer);<br />

4044: { AddSlash returns string with added slash char to Dir parameter, if needed }<br />

4045: function AddSlash2(const Dir: TFileName): string;<br />

4046: { AddPath returns FileName with Path, if FileName not contain any path }<br />

4047: function AddPath(const FileName, Path: TFileName): TFileName;<br />

4048: { ExePath returns ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) }<br />

4049: function ExePath: TFileName;<br />

4<strong>05</strong>0: function LoadTextFile(const FileName: TFileName): string;<br />

4<strong>05</strong>1: procedure SaveTextFile(const FileName: TFileName; const Source: string);<br />

4<strong>05</strong>2: { ConcatSep concatenate S and S2 strings with Separator. if S = '', separator don't included }<br />

4<strong>05</strong>3: function ConcatSep(const S, S2, Separator: string): string;<br />

4<strong>05</strong>4: { FileEquMask returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given dos file mask, Mask }<br />

4<strong>05</strong>5: function FileEquMask(FileName, Mask: TFileName): Boolean;<br />

4<strong>05</strong>6: { FileEquMasks returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given Masks.<br />

4<strong>05</strong>7: Masks must be separated with comma (';') }<br />

4<strong>05</strong>8: function FileEquMasks(FileName, Masks: TFileName): Boolean;<br />

4<strong>05</strong>9: function StringEndsWith(const Str, SubStr: string): Boolean;<br />

4060: function ExtractFilePath2(const FileName: string): string;<br />

4061: function StrToOem(const AnsiStr: string): string;<br />

4062: { StrToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM character set. }<br />

4063: function OemToAnsiStr(const OemStr: string): string;<br />

4064: { OemToAnsiStr translates a string from the OEM character set into the Windows character set. }<br />

4065: function IsEmptyStr(const S: string; const EmptyChars: TCharSet): Boolean;<br />

4066: { EmptyStr returns true if the given string contains only character from the EmptyChars. }<br />

4067: function ReplaceStr(const S, Srch, Replace: string): string;<br />

4068: { Returns string with every occurrence of Srch string replaced with Replace string. }<br />

4069: function DelSpace(const S: string): string;<br />

4070: { DelSpace return a string with all white spaces removed. }<br />

4071: function DelChars(const S: string; Chr: Char): string;<br />

4072: { DelChars return a string with all Chr characters removed. }<br />

4073: function DelBSpace(const S: string): string;<br />

4074: { DelBSpace trims leading spaces from the given string. }<br />

4075: function DelESpace(const S: string): string;<br />

4076: { DelESpace trims trailing spaces from the given string. }<br />

4077: function DelRSpace(const S: string): string;<br />

4078: { DelRSpace trims leading and trailing spaces from the given string. }<br />

4079: function DelSpace1(const S: string): string;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>0: { DelSpace1 return a string with all non-single white spaces removed. }<br />

4<strong>08</strong>1: function Tab2Space(const S: string; Numb: Byte): string;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>2: { Tab2Space converts any tabulation character in the given string to the Numb spaces characters. }<br />

4<strong>08</strong>3: function NPos(const C: string; S: string; N: Integer): Integer;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>4: { NPos searches for a N-th position of substring C in a given string. }<br />

4<strong>08</strong>5: function MakeStr(C: Char; N: Integer): string;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>6: function MS(C: Char; N: Integer): string;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>7: { MakeStr return a string of length N filled with character C. }<br />

4<strong>08</strong>8: function AddChar(C: Char; const S: string; N: Integer): string;<br />

4<strong>08</strong>9: { AddChar return a string left-padded to length N with characters C. }<br />

4090: function AddCharR(C: Char; const S: string; N: Integer): string;<br />

4091: { AddCharR return a string right-padded to length N with characters C. }<br />

4092: function LeftStr(const S: string; N: Integer): string;<br />

4093: { LeftStr return a string right-padded to length N with blanks. }<br />

4094: function RightStr(const S: string; N: Integer): string;<br />

4095: { RightStr return a string left-padded to length N with blanks. }<br />

4096: function CenterStr(const S: string; Len: Integer): string;<br />

4097: { CenterStr centers the characters in the string based upon the Len specified. }<br />

4098: function CompStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;<br />

4099: {CompStr compares S1 to S2, case-sensitivity. return val is -1 if S1 < S2,0 if S1 = S2,or 1 if S1>S2. }<br />

4100: function CompText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 47

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