maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

5989: Function RoundToNearestMinute( const T : TStTime; Truncate : Boolean) : TStTime<br />

5990: Procedure DateTimeDiff(const DT1:TStDateTimeRec;var DT2:TStDateTimeRec;var Days:LongInt;var Secs:LongInt<br />

5991: Procedure IncDateTime(const DT1:TStDateTimeRec;var DT2:TStDateTimeRec;Days:Integer;Secs:LongInt)<br />

5992: Function DateTimeToStDate( DT : TDateTime) : TStDate<br />

5993: Function DateTimeToStTime( DT : TDateTime) : TStTime<br />

5994: Function StDateToDateTime( D : TStDate) : TDateTime<br />

5995: Function StTimeToDateTime( T : TStTime) : TDateTime<br />

5996: Function Convert2ByteDate( TwoByteDate : Word) : TStDate<br />

5997: Function Convert4ByteDate( FourByteDate : TStDate) : Word<br />

5998:<br />

5999: Procedure SIRegister_StDateSt(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

6000: Function DateStringHMStoAstJD( const Picture, DS : string; H, M, S, Epoch : integer) : Double<br />

6001: Function MonthToString( const Month : Integer) : string<br />

6002: Function DateStringToStDate( const Picture, S : string; Epoch : Integer) : TStDate<br />

6003: Function DateStringToDMY(const Picture,S:string; Epoch:Integer; var D, M, Y : Integer):Boolean<br />

6004: Function StDateToDateString( const Picture : string; const Julian : TStDate; Pack : Boolean):string<br />

60<strong>05</strong>: Function DayOfWeekToString( const WeekDay : TStDayType) : string<br />

6006: Function DMYtoDateString(const Picture:string;Day,Month,Year,Epoch:Integer;Pack:Boolean): string);<br />

6007: Function CurrentDateString( const Picture : string; Pack : Boolean) : string<br />

60<strong>08</strong>: Function CurrentTimeString( const Picture : string; Pack : Boolean) : string<br />

6009: Function TimeStringToHMS( const Picture, St : string; var H, M, S : Integer) : Boolean<br />

6010: Function TimeStringToStTime( const Picture, S : string) : TStTime<br />

6011: Function StTimeToAmPmString( const Picture : string; const T : TStTime; Pack : Boolean) : string<br />

6012: Function StTimeToTimeString( const Picture : string; const T : TStTime; Pack : Boolean) : string<br />

6013: Function DateStringIsBlank( const Picture, S : string) : Boolean<br />

60<strong>14</strong>: Function InternationalDate( ForceCentury : Boolean) : string<br />

6015: Function InternationalLongDate( ShortNames : Boolean; ExcludeDOW : Boolean) : string<br />

6016: Function InternationalTime( ShowSeconds : Boolean) : string<br />

60<strong>17</strong>: Procedure ResetInternationalInfo<br />

6018:<br />

6019: procedure SIRegister_StBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

6020: Function DestroyNode( Container : TStContainer; Node : TStNode; OtherData : Pointer) : Boolean<br />

6021: Function AnsiUpperCaseShort32( const S : string) : string<br />

6022: Function AnsiCompareTextShort32( const S1, S2 : string) : Integer<br />

6023: Function AnsiCompareStrShort32( const S1, S2 : string) : Integer<br />

6024: Function HugeCompressRLE( const InBuffer, InLen : Longint; var OutBuffer) : Longint<br />

6025: Function HugeDecompressRLE( const InBuffer, InLen : Longint; var OutBuffer,OutLen:LongInt): Longint<br />

6026: Procedure HugeFillChar( var Dest, Count : Longint; Value : Byte)<br />

6027: Procedure HugeFillStruc( var Dest, Count : Longint; const Value, ValSize : Cardinal)<br />

6028: Function Upcase( C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar<br />

6029: Function LoCase( C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar<br />

6030: Function CompareLetterSets( Set1, Set2 : LongInt) : Cardinal<br />

6031: Function CompStruct( const S1, S2, Size : Cardinal) : Integer<br />

6032: Function Search(const Buffer,BufLength:Cardinal;const Match,MatLength:Cardinal;var Pos:Cardinal):Bool;<br />

6033: Function StSearch(const Buffer,BufLength:Cardinal;const Match,MatLength:Cardinal;var Pos:Cardi):Boolean<br />

6034: Function SearchUC(const Buffer,BufLength:Cardinal;const Match,MatLength:Cardinal;var Pos:Cardi):Boolean<br />

6035: Function IsOrInheritsFrom( Root, Candidate : TClass) : boolean<br />

6036: Procedure RaiseContainerError( Code : longint)<br />

60<strong>37</strong>: Procedure RaiseContainerErrorFmt( Code : Longint; Data : array of const)<br />

6038: Function ProductOverflow( A, B : LongInt) : Boolean<br />

6039: Function StNewStr( S : string) : PShortString<br />

6040: Procedure StDisposeStr( PS : PShortString)<br />

6041: Procedure ValLongInt( S : ShortString; var LI : Longint; var ErrorCode : integer)<br />

6042: Procedure ValSmallint( const S : ShortString; var SI : smallint; var ErrorCode : integer)<br />

6043: Procedure ValWord( const S : ShortString; var Wd : word; var ErrorCode : integer)<br />

6044: Procedure RaiseStError( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt)<br />

6045: Procedure RaiseStWin32Error( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt)<br />

6046: Procedure RaiseStWin32ErrorEx( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt; Info : string)<br />

6047:<br />

6048: procedure SIRegister_usvd(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

6049: begin<br />

6<strong>05</strong>0: Procedure SV_Decomp( A : TMatrix; Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Integer; S : TVector; V : TMatrix)<br />

6<strong>05</strong>1: Procedure SV_SetZero( S : TVector; Lb, Ub : Integer; Tol : Float)<br />

6<strong>05</strong>2: Procedure SV_Solve(U:TMatrix; S:TVector;V:TMatrix;B:TVector;Lb,Ub1,Ub2:Integer;X:TVector);<br />

6<strong>05</strong>3: Procedure SV_Approx( U : TMatrix; S : TVector; V : TMatrix; Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Integer; A : TMatrix)<br />

6<strong>05</strong>4: Procedure RKF45(F:TDiffEqs;Neqn:Int;Y,Yp:TVector;var T:Float;Tout,RelErr,AbsErr:Float;var Flag:Int;<br />

6<strong>05</strong>5: end;<br />

6<strong>05</strong>6:<br />

6<strong>05</strong>7: //**********unit unit ; StMath Package of SysTools******************************************<br />

6<strong>05</strong>8: Function IntPowerS( Base : Extended; Exponent : Integer) : Extended<br />

6<strong>05</strong>9: Function PowerS( Base, Exponent : Extended) : Extended<br />

6060: Function StInvCos( X : Double) : Double<br />

6061: Function StInvSin( Y : Double) : Double<br />

6062: Function StInvTan2( X, Y : Double) : Double<br />

6063: Function StTan( A : Double) : Double<br />

6064: Procedure DumpException; //unit StExpEng;<br />

6065: Function HexifyBlock( var Buffer, BufferSize : Integer) : string<br />

6066:<br />

6067: //**********unit unit ; StCRC Package of SysTools******************************************<br />

6068: Function Adler32Prim( var Data, DataSize : Cardinal; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

6069: Function Adler32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

6070: Function Adler32OfFile( FileName : AnsiString) : LongInt<br />

6071: Function Crc16Prim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc : Cardinal) : Cardinal<br />

6072: Function Crc16OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : Cardinal) : Cardinal<br />

6073: Function Crc16OfFile( FileName : AnsiString) : Cardinal<br />

6074: Function Crc32Prim( var Data, DataSize : Cardinal; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

6075: Function Crc32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

6076: Function Crc32OfFile( FileName : AnsiString) : LongInt<br />

6077: Function InternetSumPrim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc : Cardinal) : Cardinal<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 70

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