maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

1578: Function IndexText( const AText : string; const AValues : array of string) : Integer<br />

1579: Function IndexOfInteger( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Integer<br />

1580: Function IndexOfFloat( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Integer<br />

1581: Function IndexOfDate( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Integer<br />

1582: Function IndexOfString( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Integer<br />

1583: Function IndyCompareStr( const A1 : string; const A2 : string) : Integer<br />

1584: Function IndyGetHostName : string<br />

1585: Function IndyInterlockedDecrement( var I : Integer) : Integer<br />

1586: Function IndyInterlockedExchange( var A : Integer; B : Integer) : Integer<br />

1587: Function IndyInterlockedExchangeAdd( var A : Integer; B : Integer) : Integer<br />

1588: Function IndyInterlockedIncrement( var I : Integer) : Integer<br />

1589: Function IndyLowerCase( const A1 : string) : string<br />

1590: Function IndyStrToBool( const AString : String) : Boolean<br />

1591: Function IndyUpperCase( const A1 : string) : string<br />

1592: Function InitCommonControl( CC : Integer) : Boolean<br />

1593: Function InitTempPath : string<br />

1594: Function InMainThread : boolean<br />

1595: Function inOpArray( W : WideChar; sets : array of WideChar) : boolean<br />

1596: Function Input: Text)<br />

1597: Function InputBox( const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault : string) : string<br />

1598: function InputBox(const ACaption: string; const APrompt: string; const ADefault: string): string)<br />

1599: Function InputLn(const <strong>AM</strong>ask: string; AEcho:Boolean;ATabWidth:Integer;<strong>AM</strong>axLineLength:Integer): string<br />

1600: Function InputQuery( const ACaption, APrompt : string; var Value : string) : Boolean<br />

1601: function InputQuery(const ACaption: string; const APrompt: string; var Value: string): Boolean)<br />

1602: Function InquireSignal( RtlSigNum : Integer) : TSignalState<br />

1603: Function InRangeR( const A, Min, Max : Double) : Boolean<br />

1604: function Insert( Index : Integer) : TCollectionItem<br />

16<strong>05</strong>: Function Insert( Index : Integer) : TComboExItem<br />

1606: Function Insert( Index : Integer) : THeaderSection<br />

1607: Function Insert( Index : Integer) : TListItem<br />

16<strong>08</strong>: Function Insert( Index : Integer) : TStatusPanel<br />

1609: Function Insert( Index : Integer) : TWorkArea<br />

1610: Function Insert( Index : LongInt; const Text : string) : LongInt<br />

1611: Function Insert( Sibling : TTreeNode; const S : string) : TTreeNode<br />



16<strong>14</strong>: Function InsertNode( Node, Sibling : TTreeNode; const S : string; Ptr : Pointer) : TTreeNode<br />

1615: Function InsertObject( Index : LongInt; const Text : string; const Data : Pointer) : LongInt<br />

1616: Function InsertObject( Sibling : TTreeNode; const S : string; Ptr : Pointer) : TTreeNode<br />

16<strong>17</strong>: Function Instance : Longint<br />

1618: function InstanceSize: Longint<br />

1619: Function Int(e : Extended) : Extended;<br />

1620: function Int64ToStr(i: Int64): String;<br />

1621: Function IntegerToBcd( const AValue : Integer) : TBcd<br />

1622: Function Intensity( const Color32 : TColor32) : Integer;<br />

1623: Function Intensity( const R, G, B : Single) : Single;<br />

1624: Function InterestPayment(const Rate:Extended;Period,NPeriods:Integer;const PresentValue,<br />

FutureValue:Extended; PaymentTime : TPaymentTime) : Extended<br />

1625: Function InterestRate(NPeriods:Integer;const Payment,PresVal,<br />

FutureVal:Extended;PaymentTime:TPaymentTime):Extended<br />

1626: Function InternalDecodeDate( DateTime : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day, DOW : Word) : Boolean<br />

1627: Function InternalRateOfReturn( const Guess : Extended; const CashFlows : array of Double) : Extended<br />

1628: Function InternalUpdateRecord( Tree : TUpdateTree) : Boolean<br />

1629: Function IntersectRect( out Rect : TRect; const R1, R2 : TRect) : Boolean<br />

1630: function IntersectRect(out Rect: TRect; const R1, R2: TRect): Boolean)<br />

1631: Function IntMibToStr( const Value : string) : string<br />

1632: Function IntPower( const Base : Extended; const Exponent : Integer) : Extended<br />

1633: Function IntToBin( Value : cardinal) : string<br />

1634: Function IntToHex( Value : Integer; Digits : Integer) : string;<br />

1635: function IntToHex(a: integer; b: integer): string;<br />

1636: Function IntToHex64( Value : Int64; Digits : Integer) : string;<br />

16<strong>37</strong>: function IntToHex64(Value: Int64; Digits: Integer): string)<br />

1638: Function IntTo3Str( Value : Longint; separator: string) : string<br />

1639: Function inttobool( aInt : LongInt) : Boolean<br />

1640: function IntToStr(i: Int64): String;<br />

1641: Function IntToStr64(Value: Int64): string)<br />

1642: function IOResult: Integer<br />

1643: Function IPv6AddressToStr(const AValue: TIdIPv6Address): string<br />

1644: function IPAddrToHostName(const IP: string): string;<br />

1645: Function IsAccel(VK: Word; const Str: string): Boolean<br />

1646: Function IsAddressInNetwork( Address : String) : Boolean<br />

1647: Function IsAdministrator : Boolean<br />

1648: Function IsAlias( const Name : string) : Boolean<br />

1649: Function IsApplicationRunning( const AClassName, ApplName : string) : Boolean<br />

1650: Function IsASCII( const AByte : Byte) : Boolean;<br />

1651: Function IsASCIILDH( const AByte : Byte) : Boolean;<br />

1652: Function IsAssembly(const FileName: string): Boolean;<br />

1653: Function IsBcdNegative( const Bcd : TBcd) : Boolean<br />

1654: Function IsBinary(const AChar : Char) : Boolean<br />

1655: function IsConsole: Boolean)<br />

1656: Function IsDelimiter( Delimiters, S : string; Index : Integer) : Boolean<br />

1657: function IsDelimiter(const Delimiters: string; const S: string; Index: Integer): Boolean)<br />

1658: Function IsDelphiDesignMode : boolean<br />

1659: Function IsDelphiRunning : boolean<br />

1660: Function IsDFAState : boolean<br />

1661: Function IsDirectory( const FileName : string) : Boolean<br />

1662: Function IsDomain( const S : String) : Boolean<br />

1663: function IsDragObject(Sender: TObject): Boolean;<br />

1664: Function IsEditing : Boolean<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 19

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