maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

3841: function AnsiStrLIComp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer;<br />

3842: function AnsiStrIComp(S1, S2: PChar): Integer;<br />

3843: {$ENDIF}<br />

3844: function Var2Type(V: Variant; const VarType: Integer): Variant;<br />

3845: function VarToInt(V: Variant): Integer;<br />

3846: function VarToFloat(V: Variant): Double;<br />

3847: { following functions are not documented because they are don't work properly , so don't use them }<br />

3848: function ReplaceSokr1(S: string; const Word, Frase: string): string;<br />

3849: { ReplaceSokr1 is full equal to ReplaceString function - only for compatibility - don't use }<br />

3850: { GetSubStr is full equal to SubStr function - only for compatibility - don't use }<br />

3851: function GetSubStr(const S: string; const Index: Integer; const Separator: Char): string;<br />

3852: function GetParameter: string;<br />

3853: function GetLongFileName(FileName: string): string;<br />

3854: {* from FileCtrl}<br />

3855: function DirectoryExists(const Name: string): Boolean;<br />

3856: procedure ForceDirectories(Dir: string);<br />

3857: {# from FileCtrl}<br />

3858: function FileNewExt(const FileName, NewExt: TFileName): TFileName;<br />

3859: function GetComputerID: string;<br />

3860: function GetComputerName: string;<br />

3861: {**** string routines }<br />

3862: { ReplaceAllSokr searches for all substrings, Words,in a string, S, and replaces them with Frases with the<br />

same Index.Also see RAUtilsW.ReplaceSokr1 function }<br />

3863: function ReplaceAllSokr(S: string; Words, Frases: TStrings): string;<br />

3864: { ReplaceSokr searches the Word in a string, S, on PosBeg position,<br />

3865: in the list, Words, and if founds, replaces this Word with string from another list, Frases, with the<br />

same Index, and then update NewSelStart variable }<br />

3866: function ReplaceSokr(S:string;PosBeg,Len:Integer;Words,Frases:TStrings;var NewSelStart:Integer): string;<br />

3867: { CountOfLines calculates the lines count in a string,each line separated from another with CrLf sequence }<br />

3868: function CountOfLines(const S: string): Integer;<br />

3869: { DeleteEmptyLines deletes all empty lines from strings, Ss. Lines contained only spaces also deletes. }<br />

3870: procedure DeleteEmptyLines(Ss: TStrings);<br />

3871: { SQLAddWhere addes or modifies existing where-statement, where, to the strings, SQL.<br />

3872: Note: If strings SQL allready contains where-statement, it must be started on begining of any line }<br />

3873: procedure SQLAddWhere(SQL: TStrings; const Where: string);<br />

3874: {**** files routines - }<br />

3875: { ResSaveToFile save resource named as Name with Typ type into file FileName.<br />

3876: Resource can be compressed using MS Compress program}<br />

3877: function ResSaveToFile(const Typ,Name: string; const Compressed:Boolean; const FileName: string): Boolean;<br />

3878: function ResSaveToFileEx(Inst:HINST;Typ,Name:PChar;const Compressed:Bool;const FileName:string): Bool<br />

3879: function ResSaveToString(Instance: HINST; const Typ, Name: string; var S: string): Boolean;<br />

3880: { Execute executes other program and waiting for it terminating, then return its Exit Code }<br />

3881: function ExecuteJ(const CommandLine, WorkingDirectory: string): Integer;<br />

3882: { IniReadSection read section, Section, from ini-file,<br />

3883: IniFileName, into strings, Ss.This function reads ALL strings from specified section.<br />

3884: Note: TIninFile.ReadSection function reads only strings with '=' symbol.}<br />

3885: function IniReadSection(const IniFileName: TFileName; const Section: string; Ss: TStrings): Boolean;<br />

3886: { LoadTextFile load text file, FileName, into string }<br />

3887: function LoadTextFile(const FileName: TFileName): string;<br />

3888: procedure SaveTextFile(const FileName: TFileName; const Source: string);<br />

3889: { ReadFolder reads files list from disk folder, Folder, that are equal Mask, into strings, FileList}<br />

3890: function ReadFolder(const Folder, Mask: TFileName; FileList: TStrings): Integer;<br />

3891: function ReadFolders(const Folder: TFileName; FolderList: TStrings): Integer;<br />

3892: {$IFDEF COMPILER3_UP}<br />

3893: { TargetFileName - if FileName is ShortCut returns filename ShortCut linked to }<br />

3894: function TargetFileName(const FileName: TFileName): TFileName;<br />

3895: { return filename ShortCut linked to }<br />

3896: function ResolveLink(const hWnd: HWND; const LinkFile: TFileName; var FileName: TFileName): HRESULT;<br />

3897: {$ENDIF COMPILER3_UP}<br />

3898: {**** Graphic routines - }<br />

3899: { LoadIcoToImage loads two icons from resource named NameRes,into two image lists ALarge and ASmall}<br />

3900: procedure LoadIcoToImage(ALarge, ASmall: TImageList; const NameRes: string);<br />

3901: { RATextOut same with TCanvas.TextOut procedure, but can clipping drawing with rectangle, RClip. }<br />

3902: procedure RATextOut(Canvas: TCanvas; const R, RClip: TRect; const S: string);<br />

3903: { RATextOutEx same with RATextOut function, but can calculate needed height for correct output }<br />

3904: function RATextOutEx(Canvas:TCanvas; const R,RClip:TRect;const S: string;const CalcHeight:Boolean):Integer;<br />

39<strong>05</strong>: { RATextCalcHeight calculate needed height to correct output, using RATextOut or RATextOutEx functions }<br />

3906: function RATextCalcHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect; const S: string): Integer;<br />

3907: { Cinema draws some visual effect }<br />

39<strong>08</strong>: procedure Cinema(Canvas: TCanvas; rS {Source}, rD {Dest}: TRect);<br />

3909: { Roughed fills rect with special 3D pattern }<br />

3910: procedure Roughed(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const AVert: Boolean);<br />

3911: { BitmapFromBitmap creates new small bitmap from part of source bitmap, SrcBitmap, with specified width<br />

and height, AWidth, AHeight and placed on a specified Index, Index in the source bitmap }<br />

3912: function BitmapFromBitmap(SrcBitmap: TBitmap; const AWidth, AHeight, Index: Integer): TBitmap;<br />

3913: { TextWidth calculate text with for writing using standard desktop font }<br />

39<strong>14</strong>: function TextWidth(AStr: string): Integer;<br />

3915: { DefineCursor load cursor from resource, and return available cursor number, assigned to it }<br />

3916: function DefineCursor(Identifer: PChar): TCursor;<br />

39<strong>17</strong>: {**** other routines - }<br />

3918: { FindFormByClass returns first form specified class, FormClass,owned by Application global variable }<br />

3919: function FindFormByClass(FormClass: TFormClass): TForm;<br />

3920: function FindFormByClassName(FormClassName: string): TForm;<br />

3921: { FindByTag returns the control with specified class, ComponentClass, from WinContol.Controls property,<br />

3922: having Tag property value, equaled to Tag parameter }<br />

3923: function FindByTag(WinControl:TWinControl;ComponentClass:TComponentClass;const Tag:Integer):TComponent;<br />

3924: { ControlAtPos2 equal to TWinControl.ControlAtPos function, but works better }<br />

3925: function ControlAtPos2(Parent: TWinControl; X, Y: Integer): TControl;<br />

3926: { RBTag searches WinControl.Controls for checked RadioButton and returns its Tag property value }<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 45

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