maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

4452: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

4453: procedure DirFiles(const ADir, <strong>AM</strong>ask: string; AFileList: TStringList);<br />

4454: procedure RecurseDirFiles(const ADir: string; var AFileList: TStringList);<br />

4455: procedure RecurseDirProgs(const ADir: string; var AFileList: TStringList);<br />

4456: procedure SaveString(const AFile, AText: string);<br />

4457: Procedure SaveStringasFile( const AFile, AText : string)<br />

4458: function LoadStringJ(const AFile: string): string;<br />

4459: Function LoadStringofFile( const AFile : string) : string<br />

4460: Procedure SaveStringtoFile( const AFile, AText : string)<br />

4461: Function LoadStringfromFile( const AFile : string) : string<br />

4462: function HexToColor(const AText: string): TColor;<br />

4463: function UppercaseHTMLTags(const AText: string): string;<br />

4464: function LowercaseHTMLTags(const AText: string): string;<br />

4465: procedure GetHTMLAnchors(const AFile: string; AList: TStringList);<br />

4466: function RelativePath(const ASrc, ADst: string): string;<br />

4467: function GetToken(var Start: Integer; const SourceText: string): string;<br />

4468: function PosNonSpace(Start: Integer; const SourceText: string): Integer;<br />

4469: function PosEscaped(Start: Integer; const SourceText, FindText: string; EscapeChar: Char): Integer;<br />

4470: function DeleteEscaped(const SourceText: string; EscapeChar: Char): string;<br />

4471: function BeginOfAttribute(Start: Integer; const SourceText: string): Integer;<br />

4472: // parses the beginning of an attribute: space + alpha character<br />

4473: function ParseAttribute(var Start:Integer; const SourceText:string; var AName,AValue:string): Boolean;<br />

4474: //parses a name="value" attrib from Start; returns 0 when not found or else the position behind attribute<br />

4475: procedure ParseAttributes(const SourceText: string; Attributes: TStrings);<br />

4476: // parses all name=value attributes to the attributes TStringList<br />

4477: function HasStrValue(const AText, AName: string; var AValue: string): Boolean;<br />

4478: // checks if a name="value" pair exists and returns any value<br />

4479: function GetStrValue(const AText, AName, ADefault: string): string;<br />

4480: // retrieves string value from a line like:<br />

4481: // name="jan verhoeven" email="jan1 dott verhoeven att wxs dott nl"<br />

4482: // returns ADefault when not found<br />

4483: function GetHTMLColorValue(const AText, AName: string; ADefault: TColor): TColor;<br />

4484: // same for a color<br />

4485: function GetIntValue(const AText, AName: string; ADefault: Integer): Integer;<br />

4486: // same for an Integer<br />

4487: function GetFloatValue(const AText, AName: string; ADefault: Extended): Extended;<br />

4488: // same for a float<br />

4489: function GetBoolValue(const AText, AName: string): Boolean;<br />

4490: // same for Boolean but without default<br />

4491: function GetValue(const AText, AName: string): string;<br />

4492: //retrieves string value from a line like: name="jan verhoeven" email="jan1 verhoeven att wxs dott nl"<br />

4493: procedure SetValue(var AText: string; const AName, AValue: string);<br />

4494: // sets a string value in a line<br />

4495: procedure DeleteValue(var AText: string; const AName: string);<br />

4496: // deletes a AName="value" pair from AText<br />

4497: procedure GetNames(AText: string; AList: TStringList);<br />

4498: // get a list of names from a string with name="value" pairs<br />

4499: function GetHTMLColor(AColor: TColor): string;<br />

4500: // converts a color value to the HTML hex value<br />

4501: function BackPosStr(Start: Integer; const FindString, SourceString: string): Integer;<br />

4502: // finds a string backward case sensitive<br />

4503: function BackPosText(Start: Integer; const FindString, SourceString: string): Integer;<br />

4504: // finds a string backward case insensitive<br />

45<strong>05</strong>: function PosRangeStr(Start: Integer; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString: string;<br />

4506: var RangeBegin: Integer; var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4507: // finds a text range, e.g. .... case sensitive<br />

45<strong>08</strong>: function PosRangeText(Start: Integer; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString: string;<br />

4509: var RangeBegin: Integer; var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4510: // finds a text range, e.g. .... case insensitive<br />

4511: function BackPosRangeStr(Start: Integer; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString: string;<br />

4512: var RangeBegin: Integer; var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4513: // finds a text range backward, e.g. .... case sensitive<br />

45<strong>14</strong>: function BackPosRangeText(Start: Integer; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString: string;<br />

4515: var RangeBegin: Integer; var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4516: // finds a text range backward, e.g. .... case insensitive<br />

45<strong>17</strong>: function PosTag(Start: Integer; SourceString: string; var RangeBegin: Integer;<br />

4518: var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4519: // finds a HTML or XML tag: <br />

4520: function InnerTag(Start: Integer; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString: string;<br />

4521: var RangeBegin: Integer; var RangeEnd: Integer): Boolean;<br />

4522: // finds the innertext between opening and closing tags<br />

4523: function Easter(NYear: Integer): TDateTime;<br />

4524: // returns the easter date of a year.<br />

4525: function GetWeekNumber(Today: TDateTime): string;<br />

4526: //gets a datecode. Returns year and weeknumber in format: YYWW<br />

4527: function ParseNumber(const S: string): Integer;<br />

4528: // parse number returns the last position, starting from 1<br />

4529: function ParseDate(const S: string): Integer;<br />

4530: // parse a SQL style data string from positions 1,<br />

4531: // starts and ends with #<br />

4532:<br />

4533: ******************************************unit JvJCLUtils;*******************************************<br />

4534:<br />

4535: function VarIsInt(Value: Variant): Boolean;<br />

4536: // VarIsInt returns VarIsOrdinal-[varBoolean]<br />

45<strong>37</strong>: { PosIdx returns the index of the first appearance of SubStr in Str. The search starts at index "Index". }<br />

4538: function PosIdx(const SubStr, S: string; Index: Integer = 0): Integer;<br />

4539: function PosIdxW(const SubStr, S: WideString; Index: Integer = 0): Integer;<br />

4540: function PosLastCharIdx(Ch: Char; const S: string; Index: Integer = 0): Integer;<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 52

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