maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

5<strong>14</strong>3: function ReallocMemo(fpBlock: Pointer; Size: Longint): Pointer;<br />

5<strong>14</strong>4: procedure FreeMemo(var fpBlock: Pointer);<br />

5<strong>14</strong>5: function GetMemoSize(fpBlock: Pointer): Longint;<br />

5<strong>14</strong>6: function CompareMem(fpBlock1, fpBlock2: Pointer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>14</strong>7: { Manipulate huge pointers routines }<br />

5<strong>14</strong>8: procedure HugeInc(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);<br />

5<strong>14</strong>9: procedure HugeDec(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);<br />

5150: function HugeOffset(HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint): Pointer;<br />

5151: procedure HugeMove(Base: Pointer; Dst, Src, Size: Longint);<br />

5152: procedure HMemCpy(DstPtr, SrcPtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);<br />

5153: function WindowClassName(Wnd: THandle): string;<br />

5154: procedure SwitchToWindow(Wnd: THandle; Restore: Boolean);<br />

5155: procedure ActivateWindow(Wnd: THandle);<br />

5156: procedure ShowWinNoAnimate(Handle: THandle; CmdShow: Integer);<br />

5157: procedure KillMessage(Wnd: THandle; Msg: Cardinal);<br />

5158: { SetWindowTop put window to top without recreating window }<br />

5159: procedure SetWindowTop(const Handle: THandle; const Top: Boolean);<br />

5160: procedure CenterWindow(Wnd: THandle);<br />

5161: function MakeVariant(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;<br />

5162: { Convert dialog units to pixels and backwards }<br />

5163: {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5164: function DialogUnitsToPixelsX(DlgUnits: Word): Word;<br />

5165: function DialogUnitsToPixelsY(DlgUnits: Word): Word;<br />

5166: function PixelsToDialogUnitsX(PixUnits: Word): Word;<br />

5167: function PixelsToDialogUnitsY(PixUnits: Word): Word;<br />

5168: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5169: function GetUniqueFileNameInDir(const Path, FileNameMask: string): string;<br />

5<strong>17</strong>0: {$IFDEF BCB}<br />

5<strong>17</strong>1: function FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString;const ATitle: string): THandle;<br />

5<strong>17</strong>2: function ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString;const ATitle: string): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>17</strong>3: {$ELSE}<br />

5<strong>17</strong>4: function FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle: string): THandle;<br />

5<strong>17</strong>5: function ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle: string): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>17</strong>6: {$ENDIF BCB}<br />

5<strong>17</strong>7: {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5<strong>17</strong>8: { BrowseForFolderNative displays Browse For Folder dialog }<br />

5<strong>17</strong>9: function BrowseForFolderNative(const Handle: THandle; const Title: string; var Folder: string): Boolean;<br />

5180: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5181: procedure AntiAlias(Clip: TBitmap);<br />

5182: procedure AntiAliasRect(Clip: TBitmap; XOrigin, YOrigin,XFinal, YFinal: Integer);<br />

5183: procedure CopyRectDIBits(ACanvas: TCanvas; const DestRect: TRect;<br />

5184: ABitmap: TBitmap; const SourceRect: TRect);<br />

5185: function IsTrueType(const FontName: string): Boolean;<br />

5186: // Removes all non-numeric characters from AValue and returns the resulting string<br />

5187: function TextToValText(const AValue: string): string;<br />

5188: Function ExecRegExpr( const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean<br />

5189: Procedure SplitRegExpr( const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings)<br />

5190: Function ReplaceRegExpr(const ARegExpr,AInputStr,<br />

AReplaceStr:RegExprString;AUseSubstitution:bool):RegExprString;<br />

5191: Function QuoteRegExprMetaChars( const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString<br />

5192: Function RegExprSubExpressions(const ARegExpr:string; ASubExprs:TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean) :<br />

5193:<br />

5194: *********************************************************unit uPSI_JvTFUtils;<br />

5195: Function JExtractYear( ADate : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5196: Function JExtractMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5197: Function JExtractDay( ADate : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5198: Function ExtractHours( ATime : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5199: Function ExtractMins( ATime : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5200: Function ExtractSecs( ATime : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5201: Function ExtractMSecs( ATime : TDateTime) : Word<br />

5202: Function FirstOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : TDateTime<br />

5203: Function GetDayOfNthDOW( Year, Month, DOW, N : Word) : Word<br />

5204: Function GetWeeksInMonth( Year, Month : Word; StartOfWeek : Integer) : Word<br />

52<strong>05</strong>: Procedure IncBorlDOW( var BorlDOW : Integer; N : Integer)<br />

5206: Procedure IncDOW( var DOW : TTFDayOfWeek; N : Integer)<br />

5207: Procedure IncDays( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Integer)<br />

52<strong>08</strong>: Procedure IncWeeks( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Integer)<br />

5209: Procedure IncMonths( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Integer)<br />

5210: Procedure IncYears( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Integer)<br />

5211: Function EndOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : TDateTime<br />

5212: Function IsFirstOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : Boolean<br />

5213: Function IsEndOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : Boolean<br />

52<strong>14</strong>: Procedure EnsureMonth( Month : Word)<br />

5215: Procedure EnsureDOW( DOW : Word)<br />

5216: Function EqualDates( D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Boolean<br />

52<strong>17</strong>: Function Lesser( N1, N2 : Integer) : Integer<br />

5218: Function Greater( N1, N2 : Integer) : Integer<br />

5219: Function GetDivLength( TotalLength, DivCount, DivNum : Integer) : Integer<br />

5220: Function GetDivNum( TotalLength, DivCount, X : Integer) : Integer<br />

5221: Function GetDivStart( TotalLength, DivCount, DivNum : Integer) : Integer<br />

5222: Function DOWToBorl( ADOW : TTFDayOfWeek) : Integer<br />

5223: Function BorlToDOW( BorlDOW : Integer) : TTFDayOfWeek<br />

5224: Function DateToDOW( ADate : TDateTime) : TTFDayOfWeek<br />

5225: Procedure CalcTextPos( HostRect : TRect; var TextLeft, TextTop:Integer; var TextBounds : TRect;<br />

AFont:TFont;AAngle: Integer; HAlign : TAlignment; VAlign : TJvTFVAlignment; ATxt : string)<br />

5226: Procedure DrawAngleText( ACanvas : TCanvas; HostRect : TRect; var TextBounds : TRect; AAngle : Integer;<br />

HAlign : TAlignment; VAlign : TJvTFVAlignment; ATxt : string)<br />

5227: Function JRectWidth( ARect : TRect) : Integer<br />

5228: Function JRectHeight( ARect : TRect) : Integer<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 60

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