maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

16938: Function UnmapDrive( Drive : char; Force : boolean) : boolean');<br />

16939: Function TBIsWindowsVista : Boolean');<br />

16940: Procedure SetVistaFonts( const AForm : TForm)');<br />

16941: Procedure SetVistaContentFonts( const AFont : TFont)');<br />

16942: Function GetProductType( var sType : String) : Boolean');<br />

16943: Function lstrcmp( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : Integer');<br />

16944: Function lstrcmpi( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : Integer');<br />

16945: Function lstrcpyn( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar; iMaxLength : Integer) : PChar');<br />

16946: Function lstrcpy( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : PChar');<br />

16947: Function lstrcat( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : PChar');<br />

16948: Function lstrlen( lpString : PChar) : Integer');<br />

16949: Function GetTokenInformation( TokenHandle : THandle; TokenInformationClass : TTokenInformationClass;<br />

TokenInformation : ___Pointer; TokenInformationLength : DWORD; var ReturnLength : DWORD) : BOOL');<br />

16950: Function SetTokenInformation( TokenHandle : THandle; TokenInformationClass : TTokenInformationClass;<br />

TokenInformation : ___Pointer; TokenInformationLength : DWORD) : BOOL');<br />

16951: end;<br />

16952:<br />

16953: procedure SIRegister_dwsXPlatform(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

16954: begin<br />

16955: 'cLineTerminator','Char').SetString( #10);<br />

16956: 'cLineTerminators','String').SetString( #13#10);<br />

16957: 'INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE','LongInt').SetInt( DWORD ( - 1 ));<br />

16958: SIRegister_TFixedCriticalSection(CL);<br />

16959: SIRegister_TMultiReadSingleWrite(CL);<br />

16960: Procedure SetDecimalSeparator( c : Char)');<br />

16961: Function GetDecimalSeparator : Char');<br />

16962: TCollectFileProgressEvent', 'Procedure ( const directory : String; var skipScan : Boolean)');<br />

16963: Procedure CollectFiles(const directory,fileMask:UnicodeString; list:TStrings;<br />

recurseSubdirectories:Boolean; onProgress : TCollectFileProgressEvent)');<br />

16964: CL.AddTypeS('NativeInt', 'Integer');<br />

16965: //CL.AddTypeS('PNativeInt', '^NativeInt // will not work');<br />

16966: CL.AddTypeS('NativeUInt', 'Cardinal');<br />

16967: //CL.AddTypeS('PNativeUInt', '^NativeUInt // will not work');<br />

16968: //CL.AddTypeS('TBytes', 'array of Byte');<br />

16969: CL.AddTypeS('RawByteString', 'UnicodeString');<br />

16970: //CL.AddTypeS('PNativeInt', '^NativeInt // will not work');<br />

16971: //CL.AddTypeS('PUInt64', '^UInt64 // will not work');<br />

16972: SIRegister_TPath(CL);<br />

16973: SIRegister_TFile(CL);<br />

16974: SIRegister_TdwsThread(CL);<br />

16975: Function GetSystemMilliseconds : Int64');<br />

16976: Function UTCDateTime : TDateTime');<br />

16977: Function UnicodeFormat(const fmt:UnicodeString; const args : array of const): UnicodeString');<br />

16978: Function UnicodeCompareStr( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer');<br />

16979: Function dwsAnsiCompareText( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer');<br />

16980: Function dwsAnsiCompareStr( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer');<br />

16981: Function UnicodeComparePChars( p1 : PChar; n1 : Integer; p2 : PChar; n2 : Integer) : Integer;');<br />

16982: Function UnicodeComparePChars1( p1, p2 : PChar; n : Integer) : Integer;');<br />

16983: Function UnicodeLowerCase( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');<br />

16984: Function UnicodeUpperCase( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');<br />

16985: Function ASCIICompareText( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Integer');<br />

16986: Function ASCIISameText( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Boolean');<br />

16987: Function InterlockedIncrement( var val : Integer) : Integer');<br />

16988: Function InterlockedDecrement( var val : Integer) : Integer');<br />

16989: Procedure FastInterlockedIncrement( var val : Integer)');<br />

16990: Procedure FastInterlockedDecrement( var val : Integer)');<br />

16991: Function InterlockedExchangePointer( var target : ___Pointer; val : ___Pointer) : ___Pointer');<br />

16992: Procedure SetThreadName( const threadName : Char; threadID : Cardinal)');<br />

16993: Procedure dwsOutputDebugString( const msg : UnicodeString)');<br />

16994: Procedure WriteToOSEventLog(const logName,logCaption,logDetails:UnicodeString;const logRawData:Str);<br />

16995: Function TryTextToFloat(const s:PChar;var value:Extended;const formatSettings:TFormatSettings):Bool;<br />

16996: Procedure VarCopy( out dest : Variant; const src : Variant)');<br />

16997: Function VarToUnicodeStr( const v : Variant) : UnicodeString');<br />

16998: Function LoadTextFromBuffer( const buf : TBytes) : UnicodeString');<br />

16999: Function LoadTextFromStream( aStream : TStream) : UnicodeString');<br />

<strong>17</strong>000: Function LoadTextFromFile( const fileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');<br />

<strong>17</strong>001: Procedure SaveTextToUTF8File( const fileName, text : UnicodeString)');<br />

<strong>17</strong>002: Function OpenFileForSequentialReadOnly( const fileName : UnicodeString) : THandle');<br />

<strong>17</strong>003: Function OpenFileForSequentialWriteOnly( const fileName : UnicodeString) : THandle');<br />

<strong>17</strong>004: Procedure CloseFileHandle( hFile : THandle)');<br />

<strong>17</strong>0<strong>05</strong>: Function FileCopy(const existing, new : UnicodeString; failIfExists : Boolean):Boolean');<br />

<strong>17</strong>006: Function FileMove( const existing, new : UnicodeString) : Boolean');<br />

<strong>17</strong>007: Function dwsFileDelete( const fileName : String) : Boolean');<br />

<strong>17</strong>0<strong>08</strong>: Function FileRename( const oldName, newName : String) : Boolean');<br />

<strong>17</strong>009: Function dwsFileSize( const name : String) : Int64');<br />

<strong>17</strong>010: Function dwsFileDateTime( const name : String) : TDateTime');<br />

<strong>17</strong>011: Function DirectSet8<strong>08</strong>7CW( newValue : Word) : Word');<br />

<strong>17</strong>012: Function DirectSetMXCSR( newValue : Word) : Word');<br />

<strong>17</strong>013: Function TtoObject( const T: byte) : TObject');<br />

<strong>17</strong>0<strong>14</strong>: Function TtoPointer( const T: byte) : ___Pointer');<br />

<strong>17</strong>015: Procedure GetMemForT(var T: byte; Size : integer)');<br />

<strong>17</strong>016: Function FindDelimiter( const Delimiters, S : string; StartIdx : Integer) : Integer');<br />

<strong>17</strong>0<strong>17</strong>: end;<br />

<strong>17</strong>018:<br />

<strong>17</strong>019: procedure SIRegister_AdSocket(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

<strong>17</strong>020: begin<br />

<strong>17</strong>021: 'IPStrSize','LongInt').SetInt( 15);<br />

<strong>17</strong>022: 'CM_APDSOCKETMESSAGE','LongWord').SetUInt( WM_USER + $0711);<br />

<strong>17</strong>023: 'CM_APDSOCKETQUIT','LongWord').SetUInt( WM_USER + $0712);<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 198

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