maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

<strong>17</strong>9: Function ApplyUpdates(const Delta: OleVariant;MaxErrors:Integer; out ErrorCount: Integer): OleVariant<br />

180: Function ApplyUpdates(const Delta:OleVariant;MaxErrors: Integer;out ErrorCount: Integer) : OleVariant;<br />

181: Function ApplyUpdates( MaxErrors : Integer) : Integer<br />

182: Function ApplyUpdates1(const Delta:OleVar;MaxErrs:Int;out ErrCount:Int;var OwnerData:OleVar):OleVariant;<br />

183: Function ArcCos( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

184: Function ArcCosh( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

185: Function ArcCot( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

186: Function ArcCotH( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

187: Function ArcCsc( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

188: Function ArcCscH( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

189: Function ArcSec( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

190: Function ArcSecH( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

191: Function ArcSin( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

192: Function ArcSinh( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

193: Function ArcTan( const X : Extended) : Extended<br />

194: Function ArcTan2( const Y, X : Extended) : Extended<br />

195: Function ArithmeticMean( const X : TDynDoubleArray) : Float<br />

196: function ArrayLength: integer;<br />

197: Function AsHex( const AValue : T4x4LongWordRecord) : string<br />

198: Function AsHex( const AValue : T5x4LongWordRecord) : string<br />

199: Function ASNDecLen( var Start : Integer; const Buffer : string) : Integer<br />

200: Function ASNDecOIDItem( var Start : Integer; const Buffer : string) : Integer<br />

201: Function ASNEncInt( Value : Integer) : string<br />

202: Function ASNEncLen( Len : Integer) : string<br />

203: Function ASNEncOIDItem( Value : Integer) : string<br />

204: Function ASNEncUInt( Value : Integer) : string<br />

2<strong>05</strong>: Function ASNItem( var Start : Integer; const Buffer : string; var ValueType : Integer) : string<br />

206: Function ASNObject( const Data : string; ASNType : Integer) : string<br />

207: Function Assigned(I: Longint): Boolean;<br />

2<strong>08</strong>: Function AspectRatio(aWidth, aHeight: Integer): String;<br />

209: Function AsWideString( Field : TField) : WideString<br />

210: Function AtLeast( ACount : Integer) : Boolean<br />

211: Function AttemptToUseSharedMemoryManager : Boolean<br />

212: Function Authenticate : Boolean<br />

213: Function AuthenticateUser( const AUsername, APassword : String) : Boolean<br />

2<strong>14</strong>: Function Authentication : String<br />

215: Function BatchMove( ASource : TBDEDataSet; <strong>AM</strong>ode : TBatchMode) : Longint<br />

216: Function BcdCompare( const bcd1, bcd2 : TBcd) : Integer<br />

2<strong>17</strong>: Function BcdFromBytes( const AValue : TBytes) : TBcd<br />

218: Function BcdPrecision( const Bcd : TBcd) : Word<br />

219: Function BcdScale( const Bcd : TBcd) : Word<br />

220: Function BcdToBytes( const Value : TBcd) : TBytes<br />

221: Function BCDToCurr( const BCD : TBcd; var Curr : Currency) : Boolean<br />

222: Function BcdToDouble( const Bcd : TBcd) : Double<br />

223: Function BcdToInteger( const Bcd : TBcd; Truncate : Boolean) : Integer<br />

224: Function BcdToStr( const Bcd : TBcd) : string;<br />

225: Function BcdToStrF(const Bcd : TBcd; Format: TFloatFormat; const Precision, Digits:Integer):string<br />

226: function beep2(dwFreq, dwDuration: integer): boolean;<br />

227: Function BeginPeriod( const Period : Cardinal) : Boolean<br />

228: Function BeginTrans : Integer<br />

229: Function BeginTransaction : TDBXTransaction;<br />

230: Function BeginTransaction1( Isolation : TDBXIsolation) : TDBXTransaction;<br />

231: function BigMulu(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

232: function BigNumber(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

233: function BigExp(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

234: function BigMul(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

235: function BigAdd(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

236: function BigSub(aone, atwo: string): string;<br />

2<strong>37</strong>: function BigFactorial(aone: string): string;<br />

238: Function BinaryToDouble( ABinary : string; DefValue : Double) : Double<br />

239: Function BinomialCoeff( N, R : Cardinal) : Float<br />

240: function BinominalCoefficient(n, k: Integer): string;<br />

241: Function BinStrToInt( const ABinary : String) : Integer<br />

242: Function BinToByte(Binary: String): Byte;<br />

243: function BinToHex2(Binary: String): string;<br />

244: function BinToInt(Binary: String): Integer;<br />

245: Function BinToChar(St: String): Char;<br />

246: Function BinToStr(ans: string): string;<br />

247: Function BitBlt(hdcDest:HDC;nXDest,nYDest,nWidth,nHeigh:Int;hdcSrc:HDC;nXSrc,nYSrc:Int;dwRop:DWORD):Bool;<br />

248: Function BitmapsAreIdentical( ABitmap1, ABitmap2 : TBitmap) : Boolean<br />

249: Function BitsHighest( X : Byte) : Integer;<br />

250: Function BitsHighest1( X : ShortInt) : Integer;<br />

251: Function BitsHighest2( X : SmallInt) : Integer;<br />

252: Function BitsHighest3( X : Word) : Integer;<br />

253: Function BitsHighest4( X : Integer) : Integer;<br />

254: Function BitsHighest5( X : Cardinal) : Integer;<br />

255: Function BitsHighest6( X : Int64) : Integer;<br />

256: Function BitsLowest( X : Byte) : Integer;<br />

257: Function BitsLowest1( X : Shortint) : Integer;<br />

258: Function BitsLowest2( X : Smallint) : Integer;<br />

259: Function BitsLowest3( X : Word) : Integer;<br />

260: Function BitsLowest4( X : Cardinal) : Integer;<br />

261: Function BitsLowest5( X : Integer) : Integer;<br />

262: Function BitsLowest6( X : Int64) : Integer;<br />

263: Function BitsNeeded( const X : Byte) : Integer;<br />

264: Function BitsNeeded1( const X : Word) : Integer;<br />

265: Function BitsNeeded2( const X : Integer) : Integer;<br />

266: Function BitsNeeded3( const X : Int64) : Integer;<br />

267: Function BlueComponent( const Color32 : TColor32) : Integer<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 3

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