maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

18<strong>05</strong>3: CL.AddTypeS('TGPSDatasEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; GPSDatas : TGPSDatas)');<br />

18<strong>05</strong>4: CL.AddTypeS('TMsgGP', '( msgGP, msgGPGGA, msgGPGLL, msgGPGSV, msgGPRMA, msgGPRMC, msgGPZDA )');<br />

18<strong>05</strong>5: CL.AddTypeS('TSpeedUnit', '( suKilometre, suMile, suNauticalMile )');<br />

18<strong>05</strong>6: SIRegister_TGPSLink(CL);<br />

18<strong>05</strong>7: SIRegister_TCustomGPS(CL);<br />

18<strong>05</strong>8: SIRegister_TGPS(CL);<br />

18<strong>05</strong>9: SIRegister_TGPStoGPX(CL);<br />

18060: SIRegister_TGPSSpeed(CL);<br />

18061: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesPosition(CL);<br />

18062: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesReception(CL);<br />

18063: SIRegister_TGPSCompass(CL);<br />

18064: //Procedure Register( )');<br />

18065: Function IndexMsgGP( StrMsgGP : String) : TMsgGP');<br />

18066: Function StrCoordToAngle( Point : Char; Angle : String) : Double');<br />

18067: Function StrTimeToTime( const Time : String) : TDateTime');<br />

18068: Function StrToInteger( const Str : String) : Integer');<br />

18069: Function StrToReal( const Str : String) : Extended');<br />

18070: Function GPSRotatePoint( Angle : Double; Ct, Pt : TPoint) : TPoint');<br />

18071: Procedure LoadRessource( RessourceName : String; ImageList : TImageList)');<br />

18072: end;<br />

18073:<br />

18074: procedure SIRegister_NMEA(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18075: begin<br />

18076: NMEADataArray', 'array of string');<br />

18077: Procedure TrimNMEA( var S : string)');<br />

18078: Procedure ExpandNMEA( var S : string)');<br />

18079: Function ParseNMEA( S : string) : NMEADataArray');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>0: Function ChkValidNMEA( S : string) : Boolean');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>1: Function IdNMEA( S : string) : string');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>2: Function ChkSumNMEA( const S : string) : string');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>3: Function PosInDeg( const PosStr : string) : Double');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>4: Function DateTimeNMEA( const StrD, StrT : string) : TDateTime');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>5: Function SysClockSet( const StrD, StrT : string) : Boolean');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>6: function Ticks2Secs(Ticks : LongInt) : LongInt;');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>7: function Secs2Ticks(Secs : LongInt) : LongInt;');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>8: function MSecs2Ticks(MSecs : LongInt) : LongInt;');<br />

18<strong>08</strong>9: end;<br />

18090:<br />

18091: procedure SIRegister_SortUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18092: begin<br />

18093: CL.AddTypeS('SortType1', 'Byte');<br />

18094: CL.AddTypeS('SortType2', 'Double');<br />

18095: CL.AddTypeS('SortType3', 'DWord');<br />

18096: //CL.AddTypeS('PDWordArray', '^DWordArray // will not work');<br />

18097: CL.AddTypeS('TDataRecord4', 'record Value : Integer; Data : Integer; end');<br />

18098: Function('Procedure QuickSort( var List : array of SortType1; Min, Max : Integer)');<br />

18099: Procedure QuickSortDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min, Max : Integer)');<br />

18100: Procedure QuickSortDataRecord4( var List : array of TDataRecord4; Count : Integer)');<br />

18101: Procedure HeapSort( var List : array of SortType1; Count : DWord; FirstNeeded : DWord)');<br />

18102: Function QuickSelect( var List : array of SortType1; Min, Max, Wanted : Integer) : SortType1');<br />

18103: Function QuickSelectDouble( var List : array of SortType2; Min, Max, Wanted : Integer) : SortType2');<br />

18104: Function QuickSelectDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min, Max, Wanted : Integer) : SortType3');<br />

181<strong>05</strong>: end;<br />

18106:<br />

18107: procedure SIRegister_BitmapConversion(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

181<strong>08</strong>: begin<br />

18109: // TMatrix3x3 = array[1..3,1..3] of Double;<br />

18110: // TMatrix4x4 = array[1..4,1..4] of Double;<br />

18111: CL.AddTypeS('TMatrix3x31', 'array[1..3] of Double');<br />

18112: CL.AddTypeS('TMatrix3x3', 'array[1..3] of TMatrix3x31');<br />

18113: CL.AddTypeS('TMatrix4x41', 'array[1..4] of Double');<br />

181<strong>14</strong>: CL.AddTypeS('TMatrix4x4', 'array[1..4] of TMatrix4x41');<br />

18115: Procedure ColorTransform( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T : TMatrix4x4);');<br />

18116: Procedure ColorTransform1( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Float; const T : TMatrix4x4);');<br />

181<strong>17</strong>: Procedure ColorTransform2( const A, B, C : Float; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T : TMatrix4x4);');<br />

18118: Procedure ColorTransformHSI2RGB( H, S, I : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte)');<br />

18119: Procedure ColorTransformRGB2HSI( R, G, B : Byte; out H, S, I : Byte)');<br />

18120: Procedure ColorTransformRGB2Lab( R, G, B : Byte; out L, a_, b_ : Byte)');<br />

18121: Procedure ColorTransformLab2RGB( L, a_, b_ : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte)');<br />

18122: Procedure ColorTransformRGB2LOCO( R, G, B : Byte; out S0, S1, S2 : Byte)');<br />

18123: Procedure ColorTransformLOCO2RGB( S0, S1, S2 : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte)');<br />

18124: Procedure ConvertColorSpace( Image : TLinarBitmap; const T : TMatrix4x4; NewImage : TLinarBitmap);');<br />

18125: //Procedure<br />

ConvertColorSpace1(Image:TLinarBitmap;ColorTransform:TColorTransformProc;NewImage:TLinarBitmap);');<br />

18126: Procedure ConvertToGrayscale( const Image, GrayImage : TLinarBitmap);');<br />

18127: Procedure ConvertToGrayscale1( const Image : TLinarBitmap);');<br />

18128: end;<br />

18129:<br />

18130: procedure SIRegister_ZDbcUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

18131: begin<br />

18132: { TZSQLType = (zsqlstUnknown, zsqlstBoolean, zsqlstByte, zsqlstShort, zsqlstInteger, zsqlstLong,<br />

18133: zsqlstFloat, zsqlstDouble, zsqlstBigDecimal, zsqlstString, zsqlstUnicodeString, zsqlstBytes,<br />

18134: zsqlstDate, zsqlstTime, zsqlstTimestamp, zsqlstDataSet, zsqlstGUID,<br />

18135: stAsciiStream, stUnicodeStream, stBinaryStream);}<br />

18136: Function ResolveConnectionProtocol( Url : string; SupportedProtocols : TStringDynArray) : string');<br />

181<strong>37</strong>: //Procedure ResolveDatabaseUrl( const Url: string; Info:TStrings; var HostName:string; var<br />

Port:Integer;var Database : string; var UserName : string; var Password : string; ResultInfo : TStrings)');<br />

18138: Function CheckConvertion( InitialType : TZSQLType; ResultType : TZSQLType) : Boolean');<br />

18139: Function DefineColumnTypeName( ColumnType : TZSQLType) : string');<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 211

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