maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

4541: { GetWordOnPos returns Word from string, S, on the cursor position, P}<br />

4542: function GetWordOnPos(const S: string; const P: Integer): string;<br />

4543: function GetWordOnPosW(const S: WideString; const P: Integer): WideString;<br />

4544: function GetWordOnPos2(const S: string; P: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): string;<br />

4545: function GetWordOnPos2W(const S: WideString; P: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): WideString;<br />

4546: { GetWordOnPosEx working like GetWordOnPos function, but<br />

4547: also returns Word position in iBeg, iEnd variables }<br />

4548: function GetWordOnPosEx(const S: string; const P: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): string;<br />

4549: function GetWordOnPosExW(const S: WideString; const P: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): WideString;<br />

4550: function GetNextWordPosEx(const Text: string; StartIndex: Integer; var iBeg, iEnd: Integer): string;<br />

4551: function GetNextWordPosExW(const Text:WideString;StartIndex:Integer; var iBeg,iEnd:Integer):WideString;<br />

4552: procedure GetEndPosCaret(const Text: string; CaretX, CaretY: Integer; var X, Y: Integer);<br />

4553: { GetEndPosCaret returns the caret position of the last char. For the position<br />

4554: after the last char of Text you must add 1 to the returned X value. }<br />

4555: procedure GetEndPosCaretW(const Text: WideString;CaretX,CaretY:Integer;var X,Y:Integer);<br />

4556: { GetEndPosCaret returns the caret position of the last char. For the position<br />

4557: after the last char of Text you must add 1 to the returned X value. }<br />

4558: { SubStrBySeparator returns substring from string, S, separated with Separator string}<br />

4559: function SubStrBySeparator(const S:string;const Index:Integer;const<br />

Separator:string;StartIndex:Int=1):string;<br />

4560: function SubStrBySeparatorW(const S:WideString;const Index:Int;const<br />

Separator:WideString;StartIndex:Int:WideString;<br />

4561: { SubStrEnd same to previous function but Index numerated from the end of string }<br />

4562: function SubStrEnd(const S: string; const Index: Integer; const Separator: string): string;<br />

4563: { SubWord returns next Word from string, P, and offsets Pointer to the end of Word, P2 }<br />

4564: function SubWord(P: PChar; var P2: PChar): string;<br />

4565: function CurrencyByWord(Value: Currency): string;<br />

4566: { GetLineByPos returns the Line number, there the symbol Pos is pointed. Lines separated with #13 symbol }<br />

4567: function GetLineByPos(const S: string; const Pos: Integer): Integer;<br />

4568: { GetXYByPos is same as GetLineByPos, but returns X position in line as well}<br />

4569: procedure GetXYByPos(const S: string; const Pos: Integer; var X, Y: Integer);<br />

4570: procedure GetXYByPosW(const S: WideString; const Pos: Integer; var X, Y: Integer);<br />

4571: { ReplaceString searches for all substrings, OldPattern,<br />

4572: in a string, S, and replaces them with NewPattern }<br />

4573: function ReplaceString(S: string; const OldPattern,NewPattern: string; StartIndex:Integer = 1):string;<br />

4574: function ReplaceStringW(S: WideString; const OldPattern,NewPattern:<br />

WideString;StartIndex:Integer=1):WideString;<br />

4575: { ConcatSep concatenate S1 and S2 strings with Separator. if S = '' then separator not included }<br />

4576: function ConcatSep(const S1, S2, Separator: string): string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF<br />


4577: { ConcatLeftSep is same to previous function, but strings concatenate right to left }<br />

4578: function ConcatLeftSep(const S1, S2, Separator: string): string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF<br />


4579:<br />

4580: { Next 4 function for russian chars transliterating.<br />

4581: This functions are needed because Oem2Ansi and Ansi2Oem functions sometimes suck }<br />

4582: procedure Dos2Win(var S: AnsiString);<br />

4583: procedure Win2Dos(var S: AnsiString);<br />

4584: function Dos2WinRes(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}<br />

4585: function Win2DosRes(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}<br />

4586: function Win2Koi(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString;<br />

4587: { FillString fills the string Buffer with Count Chars }<br />

4588: procedure FillString(var Buffer: string; Count: Integer; const Value: Char); overload;<br />

4589: procedure FillString(var Buffer: string; StartIndex, Count: Integer; const Value: Char); overload;<br />

4590: { MoveString copies Count Chars from Source to Dest }<br />

4591: procedure MoveString(const Source: string; var Dest: string; Count: Integer); {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}<br />

inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE} overload;<br />

4592: procedure MoveString(const Source: string; SrcStartIdx: Integer; var Dest: string;<br />

4593: DstStartIdx: Integer;Count: Integer);{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE} overload;<br />

4594: { FillWideChar fills Buffer with Count WideChars (2 Bytes) }<br />

4595: procedure FillWideChar(var Buffer; Count: Integer; const Value: WideChar);<br />

4596: { MoveWideChar copies Count WideChars from Source to Dest }<br />

4597: procedure MoveWideChar(const Source; var Dest;Count:Integer);{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF<br />


4598: { FillNativeChar fills Buffer with Count NativeChars }<br />

4599: procedure FillNativeChar(var Buffer; Count: Integer; const Value: Char); // D2009 internal error {$IFDEF<br />


4600: { MoveWideChar copies Count WideChars from Source to Dest }<br />

4601: procedure MoveNativeChar(const Source; var Dest; Count: Integer); // D2009 internal error {$IFDEF<br />


4602: { IsSubString() compares the sub string to the string. Indices are 1th based. }<br />

4603: function IsSubString(const S: string; StartIndex: Integer; const SubStr: string): Boolean;<br />

4604: { Spaces returns string consists on N space chars }<br />

46<strong>05</strong>: function Spaces(const N: Integer): string;<br />

4606: { AddSpaces adds spaces to string S, if its Length is smaller than N }<br />

4607: function AddSpaces(const S: string; const N: Integer): string;<br />

46<strong>08</strong>: function SpacesW(const N: Integer): WideString;<br />

4609: function AddSpacesW(const S: WideString; const N: Integer): WideString;<br />

4610: { function LastDateRUS for russian users only }<br />

4611: { returns date relative to current date: 'äâà äíÿ íàçàä' }<br />

4612: function LastDateRUS(const Dat: TDateTime): string;<br />

4613: { CurrencyToStr format Currency, Cur, using ffCurrency float format}<br />

46<strong>14</strong>: function CurrencyToStr(const Cur: Currency): string;<br />

4615: { HasChar returns True, if Char, Ch, contains in string, S }<br />

4616: function HasChar(const Ch: Char; const S: string): Boolean;<br />

46<strong>17</strong>: function HasCharW(const Ch: WideChar; const S: WideString): Boolean; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}<br />

4618: function HasAnyChar(const Chars: string; const S: string): Boolean;<br />

4619: {$IFNDEF COMPILER12_UP}<br />

4620: function CharInSet(const Ch: AnsiChar;const SetOfChar:TSysCharSet):Boolean;inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 53

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