maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

12388: Function GetTopTextMargin(Font:TFont;BorderStyle:TBorderStyle; Height:Integer;Ctl3D:Boolean): Integer<br />

12389: Function ovExtractWord( N : Integer; const S : string; WordDelims : TCharSet) : string<br />

12390: Function ovIsForegroundTask : Boolean<br />

12391: Function ovTrimLeft( const S : string) : string<br />

12392: Function ovTrimRight( const S : string) : string<br />

12393: Function ovQuotedStr( const S : string) : string<br />

12394: Function ovWordCount( const S : string; const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Integer<br />

12395: Function ovWordPosition(const N:Integer;const S: string;const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Integer<br />

12396: Function PtrDiff( const P1, P2 : PChar) : Word<br />

12397: Procedure PtrInc( var P, Delta : Word)<br />

12398: Procedure PtrDec( var P, Delta : Word)<br />

12399: Procedure FixTextBuffer( InBuf, OutBuf : PChar; OutSize : Integer)<br />

12400: Procedure TransStretchBlt( DstDC : TOvcHdc; DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH : Integer; SrcDC : TOvcHdc; SrcX, SrcY,<br />

SrcW, SrcH : Integer; MaskDC : TOvcHdc; MaskX, MaskY : Integer)<br />

12401: Function ovMinI( X, Y : Integer) : Integer<br />

12402: Function ovMaxI( X, Y : Integer) : Integer<br />

12403: Function ovMinL( X, Y : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

12404: Function ovMaxL( X, Y : LongInt) : LongInt<br />

124<strong>05</strong>: Function GenerateComponentName( PF : TWinControl; const Root : string) : string<br />

12406: Function PartialCompare( const S1, S2 : string) : Boolean<br />

12407: Function PathEllipsis( const S : string; MaxWidth : Integer) : string<br />

124<strong>08</strong>: Function ovCreateDisabledBitmap( FOriginal : TBitmap; OutlineColor : TColor) : TBitmap<br />

12409: Procedure ovCopyParentImage( Control : TControl; Dest : TCanvas)<br />

12410: Procedure ovDrawTransparentBitmap( Dest : TCanvas; X, Y, W, H : Integer; Rect : TRect; Bitmap : TBitmap;<br />

TransparentColor : TColor)<br />

12411: Procedure DrawTransparentBitmapPrim(DC:TOvcHdc;Bitmap:HBitmap;xStart,yStart,Width,Height:Int;Rect:TRect;<br />

TransparentColor : TColorRef)<br />

12412: Function ovWidthOf( const R : TRect) : Integer<br />

12413: Function ovHeightOf( const R : TRect) : Integer<br />

124<strong>14</strong>: Procedure ovDebugOutput( const S : string)<br />

12415: Function GetArrowWidth( Width, Height : Integer) : Integer<br />

12416: Procedure StripCharSeq( CharSeq : string; var Str : string)<br />

124<strong>17</strong>: Procedure StripCharFromEnd( aChr : Char; var Str : string)<br />

12418: Procedure StripCharFromFront( aChr : Char; var Str : string)<br />

12419: Function SystemParametersInfo( uiAction, uiParam : UINT; pvParam : UINT; fWinIni : UINT) : BOOL<br />

12420: Function SystemParametersInfoNCM(uiAction,uiParam:UINT;pvParam:TNonClientMetrics;fWinIni:UINT):BOOL;<br />

12421: Function SystemParametersInfoA( uiAction, uiParam : UINT; pvParam : UINT; fWinIni : UINT) : BOOL<br />

12422: Function CreateEllipticRgn( p1, p2, p3, p4 : Integer) : HRGN<br />

12423: Function CreateEllipticRgnIndirect( const p1 : TRect) : HRGN<br />

12424: Function CreateFontIndirect( const p1 : TLogFont) : HFONT<br />

12425: Function CreateMetaFile( p1 : PChar) : HDC<br />

12426: Function DescribePixelFormat(DC: HDC;p2:Int;p3:UINT;var p4:TPixelFormatDescriptor): BOOL<br />

12427: Function DrawText(hDC:HDC;lpString:PChar;nCount:Integer; var lpRect : TRect;uFormat:UINT):Integer<br />

12428: Function DrawTextS(hDC:HDC;lpString:string;nCount:Integer; var lpRect:TRect;uFormat:UINT):Integer<br />

12429: Function SetMapperFlags( DC : HDC; Flag : DWORD) : DWORD<br />

12430: Function SetGraphicsMode( hdc : HDC; iMode : Integer) : Integer<br />

12431: Function SetMapMode( DC : HDC; p2 : Integer) : Integer<br />

12432: Function SetMetaFileBitsEx( Size : UINT; const Data : PChar) : HMETAFILE<br />

12433: //Function SetPaletteEntries(Palette:HPALETTE;StartIndex,NumEntries:UINT;var PaletteEntries):UINT<br />

12434: Function SetPixel( DC : HDC; X, Y : Integer; Color : COLORREF) : COLORREF<br />

12435: Function SetPixelV( DC : HDC; X, Y : Integer; Color : COLORREF) : BOOL<br />

12436: //Function SetPixelFormat( DC : HDC; PixelFormat : Integer; FormatDef : PPixelFormatDescriptor) : BOOL<br />

124<strong>37</strong>: Function SetPolyFillMode( DC : HDC; PolyFillMode : Integer) : Integer<br />

12438: Function StretchBlt(DestDC:HDC;X,Y,Width,Height:Int;SrcDC:HDC;XSrc,YSrc,SrcWidth,<br />

SrcHeight:Int;Rop:DWORD):BOOL<br />

12439: Function SetRectRgn( Rgn : HRgn; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12440: Function StretchDIBits(DC : HDC; DestX,DestY,DestWidth,DestHeight,SrcX,SrcY,SrcWidth,<br />

SrcHeight:Int;Bits:int; var BitsInfo : TBitmapInfo; Usage : UINT; Rop : DWORD) : Integer<br />

12441: Function SetROP2( DC : HDC; p2 : Integer) : Integer<br />

12442: Function SetStretchBltMode( DC : HDC; StretchMode : Integer) : Integer<br />

12443: Function SetSystemPaletteUse( DC : HDC; p2 : UINT) : UINT<br />

12444: Function SetTextCharacterExtra( DC : HDC; CharExtra : Integer) : Integer<br />

12445: Function SetTextColor( DC : HDC; Color : COLORREF) : COLORREF<br />

12446: Function SetTextAlign( DC : HDC; Flags : UINT) : UINT<br />

12447: Function SetTextJustification( DC : HDC; BreakExtra, BreakCount : Integer) : Integer<br />

12448: Function UpdateColors( DC : HDC) : BOOL<br />

12449: Function GetViewportExtEx( DC : HDC; var Size : TSize) : BOOL<br />

12450: Function GetViewportOrgEx( DC : HDC; var Point : TPoint) : BOOL<br />

12451: Function GetWindowExtEx( DC : HDC; var Size : TSize) : BOOL<br />

12452: Function GetWindowOrgEx( DC : HDC; var Point : TPoint) : BOOL<br />

12453: Function IntersectClipRect( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer) : Integer<br />

12454: Function InvertRgn( DC : HDC; p2 : HRGN) : BOOL<br />

12455: Function MaskBlt(DestDC:HDC; XDest,YDest,Width,Height:Integer; SrcDC : HDC; XScr, YScr : Integer; Mask :<br />

HBITMAP; xMask, yMask : Integer; Rop : DWORD) : BOOL<br />

12456: Function PlgBlt(DestDC:HDC;const PtsArray,SrcDC:HDC;XSrc,YSrc,Widt,Heigh:Int;Mask:HBITMAP;xMask,<br />

yMask:Int):BOOL;<br />

12457: Function OffsetClipRgn( DC : HDC; XOffset, YOffset : Integer) : Integer<br />

12458: Function OffsetRgn( RGN : HRGN; XOffset, YOffset : Integer) : Integer<br />

12459: Function PatBlt( DC : HDC; X, Y, Width, Height : Integer; Rop : DWORD) : BOOL<br />

12460: Function Pie( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4 : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12461: Function PlayMetaFile( DC : HDC; MF : HMETAFILE) : BOOL<br />

12462: Function PaintRgn( DC : HDC; RGN : HRGN) : BOOL<br />

12463: Function PtInRegion( RGN : HRGN; X, Y : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12464: Function PtVisible( DC : HDC; X, Y : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12465: Function RectInRegion( RGN : HRGN; const Rect : TRect) : BOOL<br />

12466: Function RectVisible( DC : HDC; const Rect : TRect) : BOOL<br />

12467: Function Rectangle( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12468: Function RestoreDC( DC : HDC; SavedDC : Integer) : BOOL<br />

12469: end;<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: <strong>14</strong>4

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