maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

10<strong>14</strong>5: procedure MatCorrel(V : TMatrix;<br />

10<strong>14</strong>6: Nvar : Integer;<br />

10<strong>14</strong>7: R : TMatrix); external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>14</strong>8: { Computes the correlation matrix R from the var-cov matrix V }<br />

10<strong>14</strong>9: procedure PCA(R : TMatrix;<br />

10150: Nvar : Integer;<br />

10151: Lambda : TVector;<br />

10152: C, Rc : TMatrix); external 'dmath';<br />

10153: { Performs a principal component analysis of the correlation matrix R }<br />

10154: procedure ScaleVar(X : TMatrix;<br />

10155: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Integer;<br />

10156: M, S : TVector;<br />

10157: Z : TMatrix); external 'dmath';<br />

10158: { Scales a set of variables by subtracting means and dividing by SD's }<br />

10159: procedure PrinFac(Z : TMatrix;<br />

10160: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Integer;<br />

10161: C, F : TMatrix); external 'dmath';<br />

10162: { Computes principal factors }<br />

10163: { ------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

10164: Strings<br />

10165: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }<br />

10166: function LTrim(S : String) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10167: { Removes leading blanks }<br />

10168: function RTrim(S : String) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10169: { Removes trailing blanks }<br />

10<strong>17</strong>0: function Trim(S : String) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>17</strong>1: { Removes leading and trailing blanks }<br />

10<strong>17</strong>2: function StrChar(N : Byte; C : Char) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>17</strong>3: { Returns a string made of character C repeated N times }<br />

10<strong>17</strong>4: function RFill(S : String; L : Byte) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>17</strong>5: { Completes string S with trailing blanks for a total length L }<br />

10<strong>17</strong>6: function LFill(S : String; L : Byte) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>17</strong>7: { Completes string S with leading blanks for a total length L }<br />

10<strong>17</strong>8: function CFill(S : String; L : Byte) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10<strong>17</strong>9: { Centers string S on a total length L }<br />

10180: function Replace(S : String; C1, C2 : Char) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10181: { Replaces in string S all the occurences of C1 by C2 }<br />

10182: function Extract(S : String; var Index : Byte; Delim : Char) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10183: { Extracts a field from a string }<br />

10184: procedure Parse(S : String; Delim:Char; Field:TStrVector; var N:Byte); external 'dmath';<br />

10185: { Parses a string into its constitutive fields }<br />

10186: procedure SetFormat(NumLength,MaxDec:Integer;FloatPoint,NSZero:Bool); external 'dmath';<br />

10187: { Sets the numeric format }<br />

10188: function FloatStr(X : Float) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10189: { Converts a real to a string according to the numeric format }<br />

10190: function IntStr(N : LongInt) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10191: { Converts an integer to a string }<br />

10192: function CompStr(Z : Complex) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10193: { Converts a complex number to a string }<br />

10194: {$IFDEF DELPHI}<br />

10195: function StrDec(S : String) : String; external 'dmath';<br />

10196: { Set decimal separator to the symbol defined in SysUtils }<br />

10197: function IsNumeric(var S : String; var X : Float) : Boolean; external 'dmath';<br />

10198: { Test if a string represents a number and returns it in X }<br />

10199: function ReadNumFromEdit(Edit : TEdit) : Float; external 'dmath';<br />

10200: { Reads a floating point number from an Edit control }<br />

10201: procedure WriteNumToFile(var F : Text; X : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

10202: { Writes a floating point number in a text file }<br />

10203: {$ENDIF}<br />

10204: { ------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

102<strong>05</strong>: BGI / Delphi graphics<br />

10206: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }<br />

10207: function InitGraphics<br />

102<strong>08</strong>: {$IFDEF DELPHI}<br />

10209: (Width, Height : Integer) : Boolean;<br />

10210: {$ELSE}<br />

10211: (Pilot, Mode : Integer; BGIPath : String) : Boolean; {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';<br />

10212: { Enters graphic mode }<br />

10213: procedure SetWindow({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}<br />

102<strong>14</strong>: X1, X2, Y1,Y2 : Integer; GraphBorder:Boolean); external 'dmath';<br />

10215: { Sets the graphic window }<br />

10216: procedure SetOxScale(Scale : TScale;<br />

102<strong>17</strong>: OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

10218: { Sets the scale on the Ox axis }<br />

10219: procedure SetOyScale(Scale : TScale;<br />

10220: OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

10221: { Sets the scale on the Oy axis }<br />

10222: procedure GetOxScale(var Scale : TScale;<br />

10223: var OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

10224: { Returns the scale on the Ox axis }<br />

10225: procedure GetOyScale(var Scale : TScale;<br />

10226: var OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

10227: { Returns the scale on the Oy axis }<br />

10228: procedure SetGraphTitle(Title : String); external 'dmath'; { Sets the title for the graph }<br />

10229: procedure SetOxTitle(Title : String); external 'dmath'; { Sets the title for the Ox axis }<br />

10230: procedure SetOyTitle(Title : String); external 'dmath'; { Sets the title for the Oy axis }<br />

10231: function GetGraphTitle : String; external 'dmath'; { Returns the title for the graph }<br />

10232: function GetOxTitle : String; external 'dmath'; { Returns the title for the Ox axis }<br />

10233: function GetOyTitle : String; external 'dmath'; { Returns the title for the Oy axis }<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 118

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