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Amount of benefits<br />

Cash transfer for nutrition: households in the beneficiary group<br />

are randomly selected to receive different amounts (USD7, USD14,<br />

or USD21) per child per month (up to two children per household).<br />

Cash transfer for health and education: households in the beneficiary group<br />

are randomly selected to receive different amounts (USD10, USD20) per<br />

child under the age of 14. 2,3<br />

Payment/delivery frequency<br />

Cash transfer for nutrition: bi-monthly<br />

Cash transfer for health and education: quarterly 2<br />

Benefit delivery mechanism<br />

Benefit recipients<br />

Minimum and maximum<br />

Cash transfer for nutrition (maximum): 2 years<br />

duration of benefits (if any)<br />

Cash transfer for health and education (maximum): 2 years<br />

Coverage 10,000 beneficiaries (estimated in 2012) 2<br />

Programme expenditure USD4.5 million (2012) 2<br />

Institutions and agencies involved Government of Guinea; World Bank<br />

Monitoring and evaluation<br />

mechanisms and frequency<br />

The Safety Net Unit—Cellule Filets Sociaux (CFS)—and its<br />

monitoring and evaluation specialist are responsible for coordinating<br />

the monitoring and evaluation activities and impact evaluation. 2<br />

See the references on page 171: Cash Transfer for Health, Nutrition and Education<br />

54 | Social Protection in Africa: inventory of non-contributory programmes

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