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MAY 20<br />

HOW DO I LOOK?<br />

“Do not worry in your soul, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor<br />

about your body, what you will put on. Is not the soul more than food and<br />

the body more than clothing? …So why do you worry about clothing?<br />

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and<br />

yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one<br />

of these.” (Mt 6: 25, 28-29)<br />

Christ is not saying here that physical beauty is unimportant. After all,<br />

God “arrays” His creation with beauty, and He Himself is “clothed” with<br />

beauty (Ps 92/93:1). And we all know that we are entrusted with caring<br />

for God’s creation, including our own bodies; we all need a healthy<br />

routine or discipline, regarding eating and grooming.<br />

What He is talking about here is balance. Because the way I eat and look,<br />

including my weight and clothes, can easily become a source of excessive<br />

“worry,” or even an obsession. Christ is saying to me: Don’t obsess over<br />

this. I can, and I will, says God, take care of this. He is also saying: Your<br />

capacity to see it, and to emanate it, comes from Me. So there is a deeper,<br />

bigger side to “beauty.” And I will constantly miss out on the bigger side<br />

if all my attention is directed at the physical one.<br />

Today my focus will be a God-centered life, and I tend to my health, my<br />

appearance, and my well-being in His love and His light.<br />


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