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JUNE 6<br />


“Then Simon Peter came, following him (John), and went into the tomb. He<br />

saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth (σουδάριον) that had<br />

been on his (Jesus’) head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up<br />

in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also<br />

went in, and he saw and believed…” (Jn 20: 6-8)<br />

What is it that John “saw” in the tomb that made him “believe” in Christ’s<br />

resurrection? It was the linen wrappings, lying in one place, and the cloth<br />

(σουδάριον), not only lying separately, but neatly “rolled up.” What had<br />

transpired here had involved no haste or chaos. Nor was it done either by<br />

irreverent thieves or ardent followers. Because thieves, having stripped<br />

Christ’s Body, would not have carefully set aside the cloth, while devout<br />

followers would not have carried His Body away naked. What John “saw<br />

and believed” was evidence of the Lord’s majestic exit from the tomb; He<br />

had left the darkness of the tomb in full control, “clothed in majesty” and<br />

leaving order behind, as Lord over chaos and death.<br />

Today I ask that He bring His order into my often disorderly thoughts,<br />

actions, and words. Let His grace be in full control today, bringing light<br />

and order where previously there was darkness and chaos. “And the light<br />

shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (Jn 1: 5)<br />


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