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MARCH 26<br />


“Noah, a man of the soil, was the first to plant a vineyard. He drank some<br />

of the wine and became drunk, and he lay uncovered in his tent. And Ham,<br />

the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two<br />

brothers outside. Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both<br />

their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their<br />

father; their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father’s<br />

nakedness. When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest<br />

son had done to him, he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan; lowest of slaves shall he<br />

be to his brothers…’” (Gen 9: 20-25)<br />

This passage, about exposing the “nakedness” of one’s father, is read<br />

in church today, on Wednesday of the fourth week of Byzantine Lent.<br />

And it cuts like a knife, particularly in our day. Because today I am often<br />

tempted to rush to expose and analyze every bit of “nakedness” of the<br />

“fathers” we are given today, not only but particularly in the Church. I feel<br />

“entitled” to demand more of bishops and priests, when they fall short of<br />

our standards. Any misstep, any dysfunction in church-administration,<br />

or in the handling of modern-day issues, I am tempted to approach with<br />

unmitigated disappointment, unsympathizing discussion, and a subtle<br />

presumption of my own moral superiority.<br />

Today let me reflect deeply on the passage above, which calls me to “cover<br />

the nakedness” of my father. Not because he is perfect, but because he<br />

is my father. And I would want my children to do that for me, if I had<br />

children and had fallen short in some way, for all to see.<br />


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