MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine) ΚΑΤΩ Η ΣΥΓΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΔΟΤΩΝ!!! Strabo – “Geography” “There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.” (Strab. 7.fragments.9) ΚΚΕ, ΚΝΕ, ΟΝΝΕΔ, ΑΓΟΡΑ,ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ,ΝΕΑ,ΦΩΝΗ,ΦΕΚ,ΝΟΜΟΣ,LIFO,MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER, GREECE,IKEA

MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine)


Strabo – “Geography”
“There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.”
(Strab. 7.fragments.9)



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'<br />

WHO WERE <strong>THE</strong> MAKERS ? 267<br />

then be admitted that a people who were once so powerful<br />

should have left not a wrack behind.<br />

Since the appearance (1896) of my paper "What People made<br />

the objects called Mycenean ? "<br />

no one hns directly championed<br />

the claims of the Acheans, or disputed those of the Pelasgiaus,<br />

although several writers, long committed to the Achean theory,<br />

have published works connected with the earliest pei'ioii of<br />

Greece. Prof Percy Gardner', who still clings to the Acheans,<br />

nevertheless admits that he does so "not without some trepidation."<br />

The oidy reason assigned<br />

foi- his continued adhesion to<br />

his old belief is that " the verdict of the majority of archaeologists<br />

is in fjivour of the Acheans, and the sober judgment of<br />

M. Perrot has accepted their claims in his great work La Grece<br />

Primitive'-.''<br />

Plainly, Prof Gardner has no solid arguments to<br />

urge, or he would not have fallen back on authority. But,<br />

as M. Perrot's woik appeared j'ears before my incjuiry, Prof.<br />

Ganhu^r's sole grounds for adhering to the Achean theory<br />

rest on the unwarrantable assumption that M. Perrot and<br />

the other eminent archaeologists, having once expressed an<br />

opinion on any subject, are incapable of changing it. no matter<br />

what fresh facts or new arguments may be produced<br />

: we shall<br />

soon see that ])i- Hell)ig, onc(i the most potent champion of the<br />

Acheans, now presses the claims of the Phoenicians. Prof<br />

Gai'dner comforts himself <strong>by</strong> the reflection that most archaeoloLHsts<br />

have held the<br />

was a tim(i when the;<br />

Achean theorv, but he forfrets that ther(^<br />

majority of astionomers bolic\cd that the<br />

sun revolved round the earth.<br />

We have now dis{)os('d of the claiins of the Achean as well<br />

as of the Doiian, but it is desirable here to })riefly<br />

refei- to th<br />

tliinks tliHl tlic Aclicaiis caiiic \fvy caiis' into tlic Act^'ran, liccansc they aiipt-ar<br />

under the name of A(]iiaiousha in an in>i-i ipt ion of I. Mciicjilitali Hut as this<br />

cannot \>i- farlicr than I-'O:! n.'\ (sit p. 'JKil. and the Achran coniiurst ot'<br />

(ircrcc took iihicr aliout l;fll(l ii.c. {]>. -'

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