MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine) ΚΑΤΩ Η ΣΥΓΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΔΟΤΩΝ!!! Strabo – “Geography” “There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.” (Strab. 7.fragments.9) ΚΚΕ, ΚΝΕ, ΟΝΝΕΔ, ΑΓΟΡΑ,ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ,ΝΕΑ,ΦΩΝΗ,ΦΕΚ,ΝΟΜΟΣ,LIFO,MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER, GREECE,IKEA

MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine)


Strabo – “Geography”
“There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.”
(Strab. 7.fragments.9)



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advance southwards of tribes<br />

WHENCE CAME <strong>THE</strong> ACHEANS ? 343<br />

from higher up the coast, either<br />

Illyrians driven down under the pressure of the Celts, or Celts<br />

who had forced their way down south.<br />

The statement of Thucydides^ is fully borne out <strong>by</strong> Strabo,<br />

who gives an invaluable account, brief though it be, of this<br />

district and its<br />

contiguous region : " The Amphilochi are<br />

Epirotes, and so also are those nations wdiich inhabit a rugged<br />

country above them and close to the lUyrian mountains, the<br />

Molotti, the Athamanes'-, the Aethices, the Tymphaei, the<br />

Orestae, the Paroraei, and the Atintanes, some of whom<br />

approach near to Macedonia, others to the Ionian Gulf.... With<br />

these people are intermixed Ilh-rian nations, some of which are<br />

situated on the southern part of the mountain region, and<br />

others above the Ionian Gulf. Far above Epidanmus, and<br />

Apollonia, as far as the Cerauniau mountains, live the<br />

Bulliones, the Taulantii, the Parthini, and the Brygi. Somewhere<br />

in their neighbourhood are the silver mines of Damastium.<br />

" Here the Dyestae had established their sway, and the<br />

Enchelii and Dasarethii, who are also called Sesarethii. Then<br />

came the Lyncestae, the territory of IX'uriopus, Pelagonia,<br />

Tripolitis, the Eordi, Elimia, and Eratyra<br />

;<br />

formerly each of<br />

these nations was under its own prince.<br />

"The chiefs of the Enchelii^ were descendants of Cadmus<br />

'<br />

I. 24.<br />

-<br />

Tlio Athamanes, Aethices, and Talares were reckoned as Thessahans ;<br />

tlie<br />

Orestae, the I'ehif^ones, and Elimiotae as Mac'cdoniaiis (Strabo, 481). It is<br />

perhaps worth snj:t,'estini,' tliat in tlie iiatne 'OpfVrai we have the Macedonian<br />

trihe wlio struck ahout ")()() ii.c. a well-known series of coins inscribed<br />

OPPEIKION, OPPHIKION, ilPHIKION, flPHIKinN. I- Illyrians. They dwelt in the country<br />

,i,l i;}r.) like<br />

north of<br />

I-'-pidamnus ali.uit lake i,yehnidia, now /.iiitu Sl.iituri (i'oiyb. s. l(isi. The story<br />

344 WHENCE CAME <strong>THE</strong> ACBEANS ?<br />

and Harmonia, and scenes of the legends representing these<br />

personages are shown in the land.<br />

" This nation therefore was not governed <strong>by</strong> native princes.<br />

The Lyncestae were under Arrhabaeus, who was of the race<br />

of the Bacchiadae. Sirrha was his daughter, and his granddaughter<br />

was Eurydice, the mother of<br />

Philip, son of Amyntas.<br />

" The Molossians were likewise Epirotes, and were subjects<br />

of Pyrrhus, son of Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, and of his<br />

descendants, who were Thessalians. The rest were governed<br />

<strong>by</strong> native princes. Some tribes were continually endeavouring<br />

to obtain the mastery over the others, but all were finally<br />

subdued <strong>by</strong> the Macedonians, except a few situated above the<br />

Ionian Gulf. They gave the name of Upper Macedonia to the<br />

country about the land of the Lyncestae, Pelagonia, Orestias,<br />

and Elimia. Later writers call it<br />

Independent j\Iacedonia, and<br />

some extend the name of Macedonia to all the country as far<br />

as Corcyra, at the same time assigning as their reasons that in<br />

the cutting of their hair (Kovpd), their speech (S/aXe/cro?), their<br />

cloaks (xXa/jivSe';),<br />

and other such things they resemble the<br />

Macedonians<br />

;<br />

some of them however speak two languages.<br />

On the dissolution of the Macedonian empire they<br />

fell under<br />

the power of the Romans. The Egnatian Way from Epidamnus<br />

and Apollonia passes through the territory of these peoples'."<br />

In another passage to be (pioted presently Strabo tells us<br />

that Illyria in his time did not include the region occupied <strong>by</strong><br />

the Taulantii, the Brygi, and the other tribes mentioned in<br />

their compmy. For the southern limit of the lllyrian coast is<br />

marki.'d <strong>by</strong> the Bay of Rhi/C(jn. Appai'ently thi're had not been<br />

much shifting of population in the borderland between the<br />

Chaones and Rhizon in the lapse of the previous four centuries<br />

as we have just seen. Thucydides<br />

tells us that the tribe of<br />

Taulantii wci'o the neighbours of E])idamnus.<br />

We thus tiiid tiibes of lllyi'ian stock long (lomieilcd jn a<br />

district which in Roman times was not included in<br />

Illyria.<br />

went that tliey liad invited Cadnms to aid them against the other Illyrians,<br />

that lie liad done so, and aftei' great successes led a host against Delphi, and<br />

plundered the tenijjle, hut disaster overtook him on his return (Eurip. Barrluie,<br />

1.3Hf>; Apollod. iii. .">, 4).<br />

1<br />


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