The Color of Law A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein (z-lib.org).epub

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† At the end of World War II, dishonorable discharges were issued to African American soldiers at

nearly twice the rate of white soldiers. In 1944 Jackie Robinson was arrested and tried in a general

court-martial when he was an army lieutenant stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. His crime was refusing to

move to the segregated section of a bus. Robinson, who three years later would be the first African

American to play major league baseball, was already nationally known as an athlete, and the army

might have feared arousing unrest in the African American community if he were convicted. Also,

during his trial, the army finally prohibited segregation on buses that transported soldiers. Probably for

both of these reasons, he was not convicted. Had Robinson been dishonorably discharged, the

Brooklyn Dodgers would undoubtedly have refused to hire him, and the trajectory of civil rights in the

twentieth century would have been retarded, at least.

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