The Color of Law A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein (z-lib.org).epub

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p. 168, 1 Myrdal 1944, 417–18; de Graaf and Taylor 2001, 28.

p. 168, 2 Sugrue 1993, 107–8. Even if Michigan’s law had been vigorously

enforced, and it was not, 1955 was too late to enable African

Americans to participate fully in the postwar employment and

housing construction booms.

p. 168, 3 USCCR 1967, 119 (n. 78), 55–57; Hayes 1972, 78 (table 4-2).

p. 169, 1 Swarns 2015.

p. 170, 1 Bremer et al. 1979, 24–26. The report actually says that the

chances were less than one in a thousand. Because the researchers’

data calculations are no longer available, and the possibility of a

typographical error cannot be excluded, I use the more

conservative estimate of one in a hundred.

p. 170, 3 Lyons 1982, 74.

p. 170, 4 Oldman and Aaron 1965, 42 (table III), 48. West Roxbury is near

but not adjacent to Roxbury.

p. 171, 1 Karhl 2015, 13 (fig. 1).

p. 171, 2 Little 1973, 2 (table A), 12 (table 1.2)

p. 171, 4 Karhl 2015; Capps 2015.

p. 172, 3 Hughes 1940, 27; Clark and Perlman 1947, 30; Kimble 2007, 422;

Woofter 1928, 126–27. The FHA defined overcrowding as more

than one person per room and doubling-up as more than one family

sharing a single housing unit.

p. 173, 2 Velie 1946, 112, 17; Weaver 1948, 119.

p. 173, 3 Weaver 1948, 36–37, 60–61.

p. 174, 1 Weaver 1948, 104, 119. Brown et al. (2003, 22–25) refer to this

process as African Americans’ “disaccumulation of wealth,” in

contrast to whites’ accumulation of wealth in housing.

p. 174, 3 Dunn 2013; Rosenhaus 1971; Herbert 1971; SAI 1972; Nix,



Looking Forward, Looking Back

p. 177, 2 Mondale 2015; Schill and Friedman 1999; Hannah-Jones 2013;

Tegeler 2013. Throughout this book, FHA refers to the Federal

Housing Administration, not to the Fair Housing Act.

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