The Color of Law A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein (z-lib.org).epub

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National Association of Real Estate Boards, 228

code of ethics, 52, 62, 102

National Labor Relations Act, 158

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 169

ceases to certify discriminatory unions, 161

certifies discriminatory unions, 158–60, 168

National Land Use Planning Committee, 51

National Recovery Administration (NRA), 156–57

Navy, U.S., 28, 43, 69, 139, 148, 159, 165

Negroes, see African Americans, terms for

Negro Ghetto, The (Weaver), xvi, 294

neighborhood (property owners) associations, 79–82, 101, 103–5, 123, 131,

139, 146, 216, 273n104

neighborhood composition rule, see Public Works Administration,

neighborhood composition rule

neighborhood poverty, 113, 153, 203, 287n203

definition, 186

effects on children, 187–88

housing assistance concentrated in high poverty neighborhoods, 190–91,

207–10, 236, 255n17

intergenerational, 186–87

New Deal, see Roosevelt, Franklin D., administration of

New Hampshire, see Portsmouth

New Jersey, see Camden; Fanwood; Mahwah; Mount Laurel

see also remedies, fair share plans

New Jim Crow, The (Alexander), xvi, 229, 294

New Orleans (LA), 5, 74

racial zoning ordinance, 45, 47

New Republic, The, 45

New York City (NY), xvi, 62, 158, 169, 174, 202, 204–5, 223, 265n62,


blockbusting and contract sales, 271n97

higher housing cost for African Americans, 174

public housing, 17, 18, 23, 32, 255n17, 256n23, 258n29

restrictive covenants in and around, 79–80

see also Parkchester; Stuyvesant Town

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