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before it begins in earnest?’

‘No,’ snapped Al Mualim, studying him so carefully that Altaïr felt as

though his thoughts were being read. ‘To do so would scatter their forces

– and subject the realm to the bloodlust of ten thousand aimless

warriors. It will be many days before they meet, and while they march,

they do not fight. You must concern yourself with a more immediate

threat: the men who pretend to govern in their absence.’

Altaïr nodded. He put away his visions of revenge to be inspected

another day. ‘Give me names and I’ll give you blood.’

‘So I will. Abu’l Nuqoud, the wealthiest man in Damascus. Majd

Addin, regent of Jerusalem. William de Montferrat, liege lord of Acre.’

He knew the names, of course. Each of the cities bore its leader’s

pernicious imprint. ‘What are their crimes?’ asked Altaïr. He wondered

if, like the others, there would be more to these crimes than met the eye.

Al Mualim spread his hands. ‘Greed. Arrogance. The slaughter of

innocents. Walk among the people of their cities. You’ll learn the secrets

of their sins. Do not doubt that these men are obstacles to the peace we


‘Then they will die,’ said Altaïr, obediently.

‘Return to me as each man falls that we might better understand their

intentions,’ ordered Al Mualim, ‘and, Altaïr, take care. Your recent work

has likely attracted the attention of the guards. They’ll be more

suspicious than they’ve been in the past.’

So it appeared. For, days later, when Altaïr strode into the Bureau at

Acre, Jabal greeted him with ‘Word has spread of your deeds, Altaïr.’

He nodded.

‘It seems you are sincere in your desire to redeem yourself.’

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