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Again, Malik somehow understood. ‘Truly you are not the man I once

knew,’ he said.

Altaïr nodded. ‘My work has taught me many things. Revealed secrets

to me. But there are still pieces of this puzzle I do not possess.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘All the men I’ve laid to rest have worked together, united by this

man. Robert has designs upon the land. This much I know for certain.

But how and why? When and where? These things remain out of reach.’

‘Crusaders and Saracens working together?’ wondered Malik, aloud.

‘They are none of these things, but something else. Templars.’

‘The Templars are a part of the Crusader army,’ said Malik, though

the question was written all over his face: how could they be King

Richard’s men if they were staying in Jerusalem? Walking the city


‘Or so they’d like King Richard to believe,’ said Altaïr. ‘No. Their only

allegiance is to Robert de Sable and some mad idea that they will stop

the war.’

‘You spin a strange tale.’

‘You have no idea, Malik …’

‘Then tell me.’

Altaïr began to tell Malik what he had learned so far. ‘Robert and his

Templars walk the city. They’ve come to pay their respects to Majd

Addin. They’ll attend his funeral. Which means so will I.’

‘What is this that Templars would attend his funeral?’

‘I have yet to divine their true intentions, though I’ll have a

confession in time. The citizens themselves are divided. Many call for

their lives. Still others insist that they are here to parley. To make

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