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‘You know nothing. It was folly to bring you here. To think that you

might see and understand.’

‘I understand well enough. You lack the courage to face me, choosing

to hide among the shadows. Enough talk. Show yourself.’

‘Ah … So you want to see the man who called you here?’

Altaïr heard movement in the gallery.

‘You did not call me here,’ he shouted. ‘I came on my own.’

Laughter echoed from the balconies above him.

‘Did you?’ scoffed Talal. ‘Who unbarred the door? Cleared the path?

Did you raise your blade against a single man of mine, hmm? No. All

this I did for you.’

Something moved on the ceiling above the gallery, throwing a patch

of light on to the stone floor.

‘Step into the light, then,’ called Talal from above, ‘and I will grant

you one final favour.’

Again, Altaïr told himself that if Talal wanted him dead his archers

would have filled him with arrows by now, and he stepped into the

light. As he did so, masked men appeared from the shadows of the

gallery, jumping down and noiselessly surrounding him. They regarded

him with dispassionate eyes, their swords hanging by their sides, their

chests rising and falling.

Altaïr swallowed. There were six of them. ‘Little challenge’ they were


Then there came footsteps from above and he looked to the gallery

where Talal had moved out of the half-light and now stood gazing down

at him. He wore a striped tunic and a thick belt. Over his shoulder was a


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