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Altaïr did indeed see for himself. Kantara Castle was guarded by

Crusader soldiers and Moloch’s fanatics. Scaling the walls, then making

his way across the ramparts, he stopped occasionally to hear them

talking, gleaning the odd bit of information about the man they called

the Bull. He learned that he was a religious zealot who attracted likeminded

followers, fanatics who either worked as his personal bodyguard,

his servants, or who trod the streets of Kyrenia, spreading the word. He

was attached to the Templars. His devotion to their leader, Bouchart,

was almost as devout as his religious faith, and Kantara Castle was his

personal citadel, given to him, presumably, by the Templars. He was

known to spend most of his time worshipping at the castle chapel.

Which was where Altaïr hoped to find him.

Moving through the fortress he saw fanatics as well as guards. The

fanatics looked … well, exactly as he would have expected fanatics to

look: jumpy, wide-eyed and zealous. They were held in open contempt

by the Christian guards who patrolled in twos and clearly thought it

beneath them to be stationed at the castle. As Altaïr pressed himself into

a recess two wandered past, one complaining to the other. ‘Why do the

Templars tolerate this madman? The Bull and his fanatics are more

dangerous than the citizens of Cyprus.’

‘The Templars have their reasons,’ replied the other. ‘It’s much easier

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