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beyond. But they cannot succeed in their mission.’

‘Why is that?’ asked Altaïr.

‘Their plans depend upon the Templar Treasure … the Piece of Eden

… But we hold it now. And they cannot hope to achieve their goals

without it.’

Of course, thought Altaïr. This was the item so many of his targets

had referred to.

‘What is this treasure?’ he said.

Al Mualim smiled, then went to the rear of his chamber, bent and

opened a chest. He took a box from it, returned to his desk and placed it

down. Altair knew what it was without looking, but still found his gaze

drawn to it – no, dragged to it. It was the box Malik had retrieved from

the Temple, and as before it seemed to glow, to radiate a kind of power.

He had known all along, he realized, that this was the treasure they

spoke of. His eyes went from the box to Al Mualim, who had been

watching his reaction. The Master’s face bore an indulgent expression, as

though he had seen many behave in this way. And that this was only the


For now he reached into the box and took from it a globe, about the

size of two fists: a golden globe with a mosaic design that seemed to

pulse with energy, so that Altaïr found himself wondering if his eyes

were deceiving him. If maybe it was … alive in some way. But he was

distracted. Instead he felt the globe pulling at him.

‘It is … temptation,’ intoned Al Mualim.

And suddenly, like a candle snuffed out, the globe stopped pulsing. Its

aura was gone. Its draw suddenly non-existent. It was … just a globe

again: an ancient thing, beautiful in its own way but, still, a mere

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