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Altaïr staggered, gasping with the pain. Better to die this way, he

supposed, than to surrender meekly. Better to die fighting.

Long Hair came forward now and there was another clash of the

sword. Altaïr was wounded again, this time on his good leg. He dropped

to his knees, his arms hanging, his useless blade gouging nothing but the


Long Hair stepped forward but Bayhas stopped him. ‘Leave him to

me,’ he ordered.

Dimly, Altaïr found himself thinking of another time, a thousand lives

ago, that his opponent had said the same, and how on that occasion he

had made the knight pay for his arrogance. That satisfaction would be

denied him this time, because Bayhas was coming forward to Altaïr, who

knelt, swaying and defeated, in the dirt, his head hanging. He tried to

order his legs to stand, but they would not obey. He tried to lift his blade

hand but he could not. He saw the dagger coming towards him and was

able to lift his head high enough to see Bayhas’s teeth bared, his gold

earring shining in the early-morning sun …

Then the merchant was bucking, swinging and had embraced Bayhas

upside down and from behind, momentarily arresting his progress. With

a great shout, a final burst of effort, energy summoned from he knew not

where, Altaïr thrust upward, his blade slicing up and into Bayhas’s

stomach, opening a vertical gash that ended almost at his throat. At the

same time Mukhlis had grabbed the dagger just before it dropped from

Bayhas’s loosening fingers, jerking upwards and slicing at the rope that

held him. He dropped, smashing his side painfully against the well wall,

but scrambled to his feet and stood side by side with his saviour.

Altaïr was bent almost double, dying on his feet. But he raised his

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