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‘Purchasing what you already controlled …’ prompted Altaïr. He

understood now. The Templars had purchased Cyprus from King Richard

to stop their archive being discovered. Little wonder that they had been

aggressive in their pursuit of him when he arrived on the island.

Bouchart confirmed that he was correct. ‘And look where that has got

us. Ever since you arrived and stuck your nose into too many dark

corners, the archive hasn’t been safe.’

‘I wish I could say I’m sorry. But I tend to get what I want,’ replied

Altaïr, sounding confident but knowing something wasn’t quite right.

Sure enough, Bouchart was grinning. ‘Oh, not this time, Assassin. Not

now. Our little detour to Kyrenia gave us just enough time to dismantle

the archive and move it.’

Of course. It wasn’t a meagre archive he’d been seeing on his way

down. It was the unwanted remnants of one. They’d distracted him with

the business in Kyrenia and used the opportunity to move it.

‘You weren’t shipping artefacts to Cyprus, you were shipping them

out,’ said Altaïr, as it all became clear.

‘Exactly,’ said Bouchart, with a complimentary nod. ‘But not

everything has to go … I think we’ll leave you here.’

Bouchart leaped forward, jabbing with his sword, and Altair

deflected. Bouchart was ready and parried, sustaining his attack, and

Altaïr was forced on to the back foot, defending a series of thrusts and

slashes. Bouchart was skilled, that was certain. He was fast as well,

relying more on grace and footwork than the brute strength most

Crusaders brought to a swordfight. But he came forward expecting to

win and to win quickly. His desperation to vanquish the Assassin

rendered him oblivious to the physical demands of the fight, so that

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