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three offensives, picking up new wounds, bleeding profusely now,

limping, out of breath. Fear was no longer his weapon. That advantage

was lost to him. All he had now were long-dormant skills and instincts,

and he cast his mind back to some of his greatest battles: overcoming

Talal’s men, beating Moloch, defeating the Templar knights in the

Jerusalem cemetery. The warrior who had fought those battles would

have sliced these two dead in seconds.

But that warrior lived in the past. He had aged. Grief and seclusion

had weakened him. He had spent twenty years mourning Maria,

obsessed with the Apple. His combat skills, great as they were, had been

allowed to wither and, so it seemed, die.

He felt blood in his boots. His hands were slick with it. He was

swinging wildly with his blade, not so much defending as trying to swat

his attackers away. He thought of his pack, secured in the fig tree, the

Apple inside. To grasp the Apple would be to emerge the victor, but it

was too far away and, anyway, he’d vowed never to use it again; he’d

left it in the tree for that very reason, to keep its temptation out of reach.

But the truth was that if he’d been able to reach it he would have used it

now, rather than die like this and surrender the merchant to them,

surely condemning him to an even more painful and tortured death

because of Altaïr’s actions.

Yes, he would have used the Apple, because he was lost. And he’d

allowed them to turn him again, he realized. Long Hair came at him

from the periphery of his vision and he shouted with the effort of

fending him off, Long Hair meeting his parries with attacking strikes –

one, two, three – finding a way beneath Altaïr’s guard and cutting yet

another wound on his flank, a deep slash that bled copiously at once.

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