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‘A price? Damn Bouchart. He probably thinks I’m your apprentice.’

‘Someone called the Bull has dispatched his men to search for us.’

Maria jumped as though stung. ‘The Bull? So they gave that zealot his

own parish?’

‘Is he a friend of yours?’ said Altaïr, wryly.

‘Hardly. His name is Moloch. He’s a pious blowhard with arms like

tree trunks.’

Altaïr turned to Markos. ‘Do you know the Resistance safe-house in

the Commons District?’

‘I know where it is, but I’ve never been inside.’ Markos shrugged. ‘I’m

just a foot soldier for the Resistance.’

Altaïr thought, then said, ‘I can’t be seen with Maria, so you’ll have to

take her. Keep her out of sight, and meet me there when you’re safe.’

‘I know some back alleys and tunnels.’

‘It may take longer, but we’ll get her there in one piece.’

Separately they made their way to the safe-house, Altaïr arriving first.

Barnabas had spread out sacks of grain and had been relaxing, but he

pulled himself to his feet as Altaïr entered, stifling a yawn as though

roused from slumber.

‘I just had word that someone found poor Jonas’s body,’ he said, with

a sneer in his voice. ‘What a waste, eh?’ He brushed grain from his


‘You knew him better than I did,’ replied Altaïr. ‘I’m sure he

understood the risk of working for both sides.’ He looked at Barnabas

carefully, taking note of the crooked smile he wore. Altaïr took no

pleasure from death – any death – and he was apt to look poorly on

those who did, whether they be Templar, Assassin or Resistance. On the

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