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developed from years of wielding the huge broadsword. From behind

him Altair heard the other guards arriving, then stopping at a signal

from Lazy Eye.

‘I want him,’ growled the giant knight.

He was arrogant, over-confident. Altaïr smiled, savouring the irony.

Then he came forward, his blade sweeping up. Grinning, Lazy Eye

deflected the blow and was grunting as Altaïr skipped to his left, coming

at Lazy Eye from the other side – the side of his damaged eye, his weak

spot – and slashing at his neck.

The knight’s throat opened and blood poured from the wound as he

sank to his knees. From behind Altaïr there was a surprised cry so he

started running, crashing through a collection of crazy men, who had

gathered to watch, then sprinting across the courtyard, past the well and

under the arch into Acre.

He stopped, scanning the roofline. Next he was vaulting a stall, the

angry merchant shaking his fist as he scaled a wall behind him and took

to the roofs. Running, jumping, he left the nightmare hospital behind

him and melted into the city still mulling over de Naplouse’s last words.

The artefact he had spoken of. Briefly Altaïr thought of the box on Al

Mualim’s desk, but no. What possible connection would the Hospitalier

have with that?

But if not that, then what?

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