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12 August 1257

So. We were too late to escape Masyaf before the Mongols arrived.

Indeed, they have arrived. As a result we leave for Constantinople in a

matter of hours and I’m scribbling these words as our possessions are

removed by helpers to be loaded on to the carts. And if Maffeo thinks

that the sharp looks he insists on throwing my way will be enough to

make me lay down my quill and lend a hand then he is mistaken. I know

now that these words will be of vital importance to future Assassins.

They must be written down at once.

It’s a small skirmishing party, or so we’re told. But the main force is

not far away. In the meantime the skirmishing party seems to want to

make a name for itself and has been launching small but fierce attacks,

scaling the walls of the village and fighting on the ramparts before

retreating. I know little of warfare, thank goodness, but it occurs to me

that these short assaults may be a way of gauging our strength, or lack of

it. And I wonder if the Master ever regrets his decision to weaken the

citadel by disbanding the Assassins. Just two short years ago no mere

skirmishing party would have come within ten paces of the castle before

falling to the Assassin archers, or beneath the blades of the defenders.

When he had wrested control of the Order from Abbas, Altaïr’s first

task was to send for his journals: the Master’s work was to be a totemic

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