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and lying down with his thawb pulled around him, for just a few hours,

perhaps, enough to restore some energy before resuming the journey

home to Masyaf – well, the thought was almost too much for him.

What gave him pause, however, what made him fearful of stopping

was the talk he had heard – talk of bandits abroad, thieves preying on

tradesmen, taking their goods and slitting their throats, a band of

brigands led by a cutthroat named Fahad, whose legendary brutality was

matched only by that of his son, Bayhas.

Bayhas, they said, would hang his victims by their feet before slicing

them from throat to belly and letting them die slowly, the wild dogs

feasting on their dangling innards. Bayhas would do this, and he’d be


Mukhlis liked his guts inside his body. Neither did he have any desire

to surrender all his worldly goods to brigands. After all, things in Masyaf

were hard and getting harder. The villagers were forced to pay higher

and higher levies to the castle on the promontory – the cost of protecting

the community was rising, they were told; the Master was ruthless in

demanding taxes from the people and would often send parties of

Assassins down the slopes to force them to pay. Those who refused were

likely to be beaten, then cast out of the gates, there to wander in the

hope of being accepted at another settlement, or at the mercy of the

bandits who made a home of the rocky plains surrounding Masyaf and

seemed to become more and more audacious in their raids on travellers.

Once, the Assassins – or the threat of them at least – had kept the trade

routes safe. No longer, it seemed.

So, to return home penniless, unable to pay the tithes that Abbas

demanded of the village merchants and the levies he wanted from the

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