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foundations you lay will be even stronger.’

‘I shall see him now,’ said Altaïr, standing.

They checked to make sure that Malik was asleep, then left, taking a

torch. With early-morning mist swirling at their feet, they walked fast

around the outside of the inner curtain and then to the main gate.

Behind them were the slopes of Masyaf, the village empty and silent, yet

to awake from its slumber. A sleepy Assassin guard looked them over,

insolent in his indifference, and Altaïr found himself fighting his rage,

but they passed the man, climbed the barbican and went into the main


A bell sounded.

It was not a signal Altaïr knew. He raised his torch and looked

around, the bell still ringing. Then he sensed movement from within the

towers overlooking the courtyard. Maria urged him on and they came to

the steps leading to the dais outside the Master’s tower. Now Altaïr

turned and saw that white-robed Assassins carrying flaming torches were

entering the courtyard behind them, summoned by the bell, which

stopped suddenly.

‘I wish to see Abbas,’ Altaïr told the guard at the door to the tower,

his voice loud and calm in the eerie silence. Maria glanced behind, and

at her sharp intake of breath Altaïr turned. He gasped. The Assassins

were assembling. All were looking at himself and Maria. For a moment

he wondered if they were in some kind of thrall, but no. The Apple was

with him, safely tucked into his robe, and dormant. These men were


For what? Altaïr had a feeling he was soon to find that out.

Now the door to the tower was opening and Abbas was standing

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