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The morning after Altaïr had told Abbas the truth about his father,

Abbas had been even more withdrawn, and nothing Altaïr said could

bring him out of that state. They ate their breakfast in silence, sullenly

submitting to the attentions of their governesses, then went to Al

Mualim’s study and took their places on the floor.

If Al Mualim had noticed a difference in his two charges, he said

nothing. Perhaps he was privately pleased that the boys seemed less

easily distracted that day. Perhaps he simply assumed that they had

fallen out, as young friends were inclined to do.

Altaïr, however, sat with twisted insides and a tortured mind. Why

had Abbas said nothing? Why hadn’t he reacted to what Altaïr had told


He was to get his answer later that day, when they went to the

training yard as usual. They were to practise sword together, sparring as

always. But today Abbas had decided that he wanted to use not the

small wooden swords they normally sparred with but the shiny blades to

which they planned to graduate.

Labib, their instructor, was delighted. ‘Excellent, excellent,’ he said,

clapping his hands together, ‘but, remember, there is nothing to be

gained from drawing blood. We’ll not trouble the physicians, if you

please. This shall be a test of restraint and of cunning as much as it is of

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