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‘I did –’

‘Do not speak.’ His voice was a whipcrack. ‘Not another word. This is

not what I expected. We’ll need to mount another force so –’

‘I swear to you I’ll find him – I’ll go and …’ began Altaïr, who was

already desperate to meet de Sable again. This time the outcome would

be very different.

Now Al Mualim was looking about himself, as though only just

recalling that when Altaïr had left Masyaf he had done so with two

companions. ‘Where are Malik and Kadar?’ he demanded.

A second bead of sweat made its way from Altaïr’s temple as he

replied, ‘Dead.’

‘No,’ came a voice from behind them, ‘not dead.’

Al Mualim and Altaïr turned to see a ghost.

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