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The bowman reached for his bow but in two strides Altaïr reached him,

swiping his blade in a wide arc that opened the man’s neck, slicing the

bow in half and shortening his headdress with one cut. There was a soft

clatter as the brigand’s bow dropped to the ground, followed by a thump

as his body joined it.

Altaïr – who had not known combat for two decades – stood with his

shoulders heaving, watching Bayhas and Long Hair as their expressions

changed from mocking to wary. At his feet the bowman was twitching

and gurgling, his blood blotted by the sand. Without taking his eyes

from Bayhas and Long Hair, Altaïr dropped to one knee and drove his

blade into him, silencing him. Fear was his greatest weapon now, he

knew. These men had youth and speed on their side. They were savage

and ruthless, accustomed to death. Altaïr had experience. He hoped it

would be enough.

Long Hair and Bayhas shared a look. They were no longer smiling.

For a moment the only sound around the waterhole was the soft

creaking of the rope on the branch of the fig tree, Mukhlis watching

everything upside down. His arms were untied and he wondered

whether to try and to get free but judged it better not to draw attention

to himself.

The two thugs moved apart, wanting to outflank Altaïr, who watched

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