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‘You turn to them for answers and salvation.’ Jubair took another step

forward, the protester another step back. ‘You rely more upon them than

upon yourselves. This makes you weak and stupid. You trust in words.

Drops of ink. Do you ever stop to think of who put them there? Or why?

No. You simply accept their words without question. And what if those

words speak falsely, as they often do? This is dangerous.’

The scholar looked confused. As though someone was telling him

black was white, night was day. ‘You are wrong,’ he insisted. ‘These texts

offer the gift of knowledge. We need them.’

Jubair darkened. ‘You love your precious writings? You’d do anything

for them?’

‘Yes, yes. Of course.’

Jubair smiled. A cruel smile. ‘Then join them.’

Planting both hands on the scholar’s chest, Jubair shoved him

backwards, hard. For a second the scholar was mid-topple, his eyes wide

open in surprise and his arms flapping madly, as though he hoped to fly

clear of the greedy fire. Then he was claimed by the impetus of the

shove, falling into the flames, writhing on a bed of searing heat. He

screamed and kicked. His robe caught. For a moment he seemed to be

trying to beat out the flames, the sleeves of his tunic already alight. Then

his shrieks stopped. And contained in the smoke rising to Altaïr was the

nauseating scent of roasting human flesh. He covered his nose. In the

courtyard below, the scholars did the same.

Jubair addressed them: ‘Any man who speaks as he did is just as

much a threat. Does any other among you wish to challenge me?’

There was no reply, fearful eyes looked over hands held to noses.

‘Good,’ said Jubair. ‘Your orders are simple enough. Go out into the city.

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