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‘You were just going to let me do it?’

Altaïr chuckled. ‘I have not spent my life walking the path of a

warrior in order to let myself be taken by a young pup at a


‘You heard me?’

‘Of course I heard you. I heard you approach with all the stealth of an

elephant and I heard that you favour your left side. Were you to attack I

should move to my right in order to meet your weaker side.’

‘Wouldn’t I anticipate that?’

‘Well, that would depend on the target. You would, of course, know

your target well and be aware of their combat skills.’

‘I know that this one has combat skills unmatched, Altaïr Ibn-


‘Do you indeed? You would have been but a child when I last called

Masyaf my own.’

Now Altaïr turned to face the stranger, who pulled down his hood to

reveal the face of a young man, perhaps twenty years old, with a dark

beard. He had a set to his jaw and eyes that Altaïr recognized.

‘I was,’ said the boy. ‘I was a new-born.’

‘Then were you not indoctrinated against me?’ said Altaïr, jutting his

chin towards the citadel on the promontory above them. It crouched

there as if watching them.

‘Some are more easily indoctrinated than others,’ said the boy. ‘There

are many who have remained loyal to the old codes, and greater

numbers, as the pernicious effects of the new ways have become more

pronounced. But I have even more reason to remain loyal than most.’

The two Assassins stood facing each other by the fountainhead, and

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