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documents? In the name of some ‘new way’ or ‘new order’, which Altaïr

had heard about before. Exactly what it involved wasn’t clear. He knew

who was behind it, though. The Templars, his quarry being one of them.

‘Every single text in this city must be destroyed.’ Below him Jubair

was exhorting his men with a fanatic’s zeal. His scholar helpers scurried

about, laden with armfuls of papers that they had carried from

somewhere hidden from Altaïr. They were casting them into the flames,

which bloomed and grew with each fresh delivery. From the corner of

his eye he saw the distant scholar becoming more and more agitated,

until suddenly, as though he could no longer contain himself, he sprang

forward to confront Jubair.

‘My friend, you must not do this,’ he said, his jovial tone belying his

obvious distress. ‘Much knowledge rests within these parchments, put

there by our ancestors for good reason.’

Jubair stopped, to stare at him with naked contempt. ‘And what

reason is this?’ he snarled.

‘They are beacons meant to guide us – to save us from the darkness

that is ignorance,’ implored the scholar. The flames danced tall at his

back. Scholars came with more armfuls of books that they deposited on

the fire, some casting nervous glances at where Jubair and the protester


‘No.’ Jubair took a step forward, forcing the naysayer to retreat a

step. ‘These bits of paper are covered with lies. They poison your minds.

And so long as they exist, you cannot hope to see the world as it truly is.’

Trying desperately to be reasonable, the scholar still couldn’t hide his

frustration. ‘How can you accuse these scrolls of being weapons? They’re

tools of learning.’

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