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‘Let her play,’ smiled Bouchart. ‘She has served her purpose.’

Yet again Altaïr found the way between himself and Bouchart

blocked. He would dearly have liked to finish this now, even with the

guard present: he thought he could overwhelm the man first, then take

Bouchart. But it was not to be. Instead he was forced to watch,

frustrated, as Bouchart and the guard moved off, leaving the area

deserted. He came from out of his hiding place and went to the partition,

finding a locked gate. Dextrous fingers worked at the mechanism. Then

he passed through, and strode towards the door of the Oracle’s cell. If

anything, her screaming was louder and more unsettling now, and Altaïr

swallowed. He was frightened of no man. But this was no man. This was

something different altogether. He found himself having to steady his

nerves as he worked on the second lock. As the door swung open, with

the high-pitched complaint of rusting hinges, his heart was hammering.

Her cell was vast, the size of a banqueting hall – a large banqueting

hall over which hung the pall of death and decay, with rippling mist and

what looked like patches of foliage among the pillars, as though the

outside was intruding, one day to claim it in full.

As his eyes became accustomed to the gloom he looked for her but

saw nothing, just heard her infernal screeching. It made the hairs on his

arms stand on end and he suppressed a shiver as he trod further into her

… cell?

This was more like her lair.

Suddenly there was silence. His senses pricked. He swapped his sword

from hand to hand, eyes scanning the dark, dimly lit room.

‘Pagan blood,’ came a voice – a jagged singsong voice straight from a

nightmare. He wheeled in the direction of the sound, but then it came

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