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As he had approached the Wailing Wall, Altaïr had seen crowds

beginning to gather: men, women, children, dogs, even livestock. All

were making their way through the surrounding streets of the square

towards the execution plaza.

Altaïr joined them, and as he passed along a street that was filling

with more and more eager spectators heading in the same direction, he

had listened to a town crier whipping up enthusiasm for the coming

attraction – though it hardly seemed necessary.

‘Take notice,’ called the crier. ‘Majd Addin, most beloved regent of

Jerusalem, will attend a public execution at the western edge of

Solomon’s Temple. All able citizens are requested to be there. Hurry!

Come and witness what becomes of our enemies.’

Altaïr had had an idea of what that might be. He hoped he would be

able to change the outcome.

Guards at the entrance to the square were trying to control the flow

of the crowd inside, turning some back, allowing others in. Altaïr hung

back, watching the masses eddy about the entrance, bodies pressing

against him in the street. Children darted through the legs of the

spectators, sneaking their way into the plaza. Next he saw a knot of

scholars, the crowd parting to make way for them, even dogs seeming to

sense the reverence reserved for the holy men. Altaïr rearranged his

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