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No, he thought.

Straight away he looked around him. The empty ramparts

surrounding the courtyard stared emptily back. Indeed, the whole area

was far quieter than he would have expected. He knelt to the body, his

fears realized as he turned it over to see Alexander’s lifeless eyes staring

back at him.

Then from above him came a voice and he straightened, spinning to

see a figure on the ramparts overlooking the courtyard. Dazzled by the

sun he put up a hand to shield his eyes, still unable to make out the face

of the man standing there. Was it Bouchart? Whoever it was, he wore

the red cross of the Crusader and stood with his legs slightly apart, his

hands on his hips, every inch of him the conquering hero.

The knight pointed at Alexander’s corpse. His voice was mocking: ‘A

friend of yours?’

Altaïr hoped soon to make the knight pay for that scorn. Now the

man shifted slightly and Altaïr was at last able to see him clearly. It was

the spy. The one who had called himself Barnabas in Kyrenia – who was

probably responsible for killing the real Barnabas. Another good man

dead. Altaïr hoped to make him pay for that too. His fists clenched and

the muscles in his jaw jumped. For the time being, though, the spy had

him at a disadvantage.

‘You,’ he called up to him. ‘I didn’t catch your name.’

‘What did I tell you in Kyrenia?’ chuckled the knight – the spy.

‘Barnabas, wasn’t it?’

Suddenly a great shout went up and Altaïr turned to see a group of

citizens enter the courtyard. He had been set up. The spy had put out the

word against him. Now he was being framed for the murder of

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