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There had been fights in which Altaïr had had to intervene, disputes

between traders that had required his moderation, land arguments

between neighbours, but none had been as thorny as that of the two

women who appeared to be fighting over a man. The man in question,

Aaron, sat on a bench in the shade, cowering as the two women argued.

Mukhlis, who had walked the village with Altaïr as he went about his

business, was trying to intercede, while Altaïr stood at one remove, his

arms folded, patiently waiting for a break in hostilities so that he might

speak to them. He’d already decided what to say: Aaron would have to

exercise free will in this instance, whether he liked it or not. Altaïr’s real

concerns lay with the boy, whose fever had yet to break and to whom he

had administered a potion, its recipe, of course, gleaned from the Apple.

Or with the basket weaver who was creating new tools for himself to

specifications given to him by Altaïr, who had transcribed them from the


Or to the blacksmith, who had cast his eye over the drawings Altaïr

had given him, turned them upside down and squinted at them, then

laid them out on a table so that Altaïr could point out exactly what

needed forging. Soon the Assassin would have new equipment; new

weapons, the like of which had never been seen.

Or to the man who had been watching him these past few days, who

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